CELEBRATIONS ... and Messages to Papa

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00mercoledì 28 aprile 2010 04:55

Happy Birthday, Sihaya!!!!

Have a wonderful, happy day.


00mercoledì 28 aprile 2010 23:26
Sihaya! Buon Compleanno! Happy Birthday! Still kratzi about Ratzi!!!!!

Love from Mary xxxxx
00venerdì 30 aprile 2010 17:19

Dearest Sonia,
many greetings from me, too.
Sorry for the delay, but J have just returned from Turin,
where J were to visit the Holy Shroud.
00venerdì 30 aprile 2010 18:27
He will be called Benedict
Here it is in English. I liked it so much that I saved it onto my computer. No idea where it was posted originally!


The silky rustle of his black cassock, moving with the cardinal’s stately walk, almost seems to echo in the airy arcade of the silent cloister.

The scarlet cap slightly off to one side stands out atop luxuriant white smooth hair.

From the shadows of a wide face, with robust and gently austere features, one sees the eyes – two pools, at once lively and attentive.

Interlaced hands close to the chest, barely touching a silver pectoral cross, allow a glimpse of the ring of office.

Elegant and erect in posture, only the gentle hunch at the shoulders betrays his age.

The broad band of red silk above the waist drapes gently down one side, its fringe swinging gently to the rhythm of his step.

“Your Eminence…”

In a warm soft voice, made even more persuasive by its tone of calm confidence, the fascinating cardinal replies with cordial courtesy.

I feel enwrapped and comforted by this unexpected gentleness on this evening of Good Friday.


Easter morning – a veiled sun lights the great square.

The Holy Father did not celebrate this Mass. He will never do so again.

I recognize the Cardinal, draped in a pale gold chasuble, seated with his fellow cardinals at the top of the Piazza.
His eyes seem lost in dreams and reflect the greyness of the clouds.

The Mass today was very saddening. The blessing that ended it was harrowing.


On the sad day of these saddest of all liturgies, there emerges from the Basilica a hierarchy of concelebrants: two long lines, red chasubles bizarrely flapping in the wind, dispose themselves along both sides of the altar, moving like dancers in a magnificent choreography.

And at the end of this long procession, the Dean of Cardinals makes his appearance. I am happy to see him again.

He takes his seat, unmoving, hands resting on his knees. He has a severe look, imperturbable, absorbed, almost remote, but watchful and scrutinizing. The thin lips are pressed together, almost in a grimace.

But it is in moments like these that the beauty of his face appears sublime – so intense and irresistible, subjugating and disarming.

Now he rises and starts to deliver his impeccable homily: the evocative accent, in a somewhat awkward slowed-down rhythm, shades into unexpected comforting tenderness.

He stresses some passages with gestures of his right hand, while the wind miraculously turns the pages of the Gospel resting atop the cypress coffin. As if it had been carefully scripted.

Every once in a while, his clear irises look straight ahead over the endless crowds that are in front of him.

Thunderous applause and impassioned cries interrupt him repeatedly. He blinks his delicate eyelashes as he respectfully waits till he can proceed.

Time and again, during the Mass, he puts on then takes off his eyeglasses, allowing us to see those beautiful eyes, which, widening, seem to merge with the blue of the sky, as, with intense veneration, he lifts the Host and holds it high.

Black sleeves show beneath the white amice, a wrist watch is visible. He murmurs the evocative monochord Latin verses in Bavarian-tinged accents.

Shock of hair ruffled by the wind, he finally executes the privilege of incensing the coffin of his great friend.

And the playful wind finally closes the book.

Following the days of anguish and mourning, the big bells, which had been mute and still after their last inexorable tolling two weeks earlier, now once again let loose with the full force of their bronze solemnity to announce news of great joy.

The minutes seem interminable. I am assailed by intense emotion which grips my whole being. My heart accelerates like mad, I feel I am out of breath, that my heart will burst till it comes out through my ears, in a cascade of iridescent corpuscles.

Habemus Papam! And the incisive sound of his beautiful first name, with its German consonants, projects through the air… My God - it is him, it is him! It is really him!

I wanted it, I knew it, I felt it!

Lord, I thank you!

A satisfaction that was at first incredulous, perplexed and suspicious, became an immense joy, visceral, exaggerated, transporting me, and now it breaks free, overflows, as I thank God fervently for what He has allowed us to receive.

I have followed him, I have admired him, I have loved him, I have desired this…

I had prayed with all my being that the choice would fall on him, the candidate of my heart, whom I wanted to win the prize.

He will be called Benedict, a beautiful name rich with promise and joy! I had also imagined that name for him.

And there before my eyes, finally, the most awaited confirmation - There he was! Finally, the chosen one, the favorite, who faced us from that grandiose Loggia suspended between earth and sky!

I barely recognized him.
He had an unfamiliar look, an unusual smile, somewhat disoriented but alert.

His hands were no longer those of a cardinal, but they had not yet learned to be those of a Pope. They moved in front of an altered face, which wore an uncertain look that I had not seen before.

He tries to raise those hands, palms upward to the sky, almost as if he were asking for acclaim. Then he turns the palms down, as though to negate the first gesture, and repeats the sequence.

His arms open wide, ecumenical, and then he brings them close to him as in an embrace, again and yet again.

Even his voice sounds different to me, in his brief but emotional address.

On his shoulders he is wearing the same stole worn by his predecessors, from whom he remembers and takes on their gentleness and strength.

And now he too carries on his shoulders the same weight that they bore.

Now he finds himself in their place.

He imprints the air with three small Signs of the Cross: In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritui Sancti.

Thus did this simple laborer in the vineyard of the Lord present himself to the world that late afternoon of a day in April.

He had just become the First Pontiff of the Third Millenium.


Surrounded by the festive embrace of the crowd, almost apprehensive but in decisive manner, he advances slowly, hieratic like an icon, wrapped in the solemnity of his splendid ceremonial robes. Archaic music accompanies him.

(After he has received the Fisherman’s Ring), his proudly austere face gradually transforms: the severity loosens up, finally turning into a long and enchanting smile that we have not seen before.

He raises his right arm, the hand open and firm as it acknowledges the crowd’s acclaim, perhaps surprised at their affection, and we see his long pianist’s fingers, recently adorned with the jewel of his office.

He looks happy.

Afterwards, there are repeated scenes of countless hands reaching out to him, imploring him, touching him, applauding him.

Image piles upon image, emotions crowd upon each other and shade off into new emotions. My perceptions are almost tactile, when I see those diaphanous eyes condense into intensely azure sparks.

I am overcome by a vague instinctive need for physical contact, at once delicate and sensual, as disconcerting as it is insistent, to welcome him totally.

I am assailed by a consuming desire to embrace him, to say something to him.

And now, his back is turned to me, (and I watch) his mitre bobbing as he inclines to acknowledge the cheers. Majestic and stupendous, he dispenses a loving smile to all.

He seems shy still, as he heads off now towards his wondrous and terrible destiny.

“To you, Benedict, Bishop of Rome, glory, peace and long life!”

From the depths of my heart, I thank you, Joseph.

And most of all, I thank you, Lord.

Sister Josephine
Ordine Benedittino delle Suore delle Sante Coccole
al Romano Pontefice
Trieste, May 2005
00venerdì 30 aprile 2010 19:18

Great, Clare!
I feared had been lost.
Thank you very much !!!!!!
00venerdì 30 aprile 2010 20:30

for anybody who understands German... please scroll down and play 'Platz 17'

Hillarious and so fitting!!!
00sabato 1 maggio 2010 00:41
Hey Cowgirl! I heard it, but didn't understand the last bit. Please translate!!!!!
00sabato 1 maggio 2010 10:09
I'm still cracking up about it...

After 'Conclave wählt Kardinal Ratzinger zum neuen Papst'
he says

'Teufel reicht Rücktrittsgesuch ein'

'Devil offers resignation'

[SM=g27828] [SM=g27828] [SM=g27828] [SM=g27828] [SM=g27828]

Actually! He's refering to a gentleman named Erwin Teufel who was the 'Minister President' of the State of Baden Württemberg at the time, and who offered his resignation on that day.
Both news items announced after each other in the head lines makes it really funny... and very fitting!!

Cardinal Ratzinger elected as new Pope - Devil offers resignation!

Will sombody finally accept the resignation of the devil, already?!

Also funny is the fact that Mr. Teufel was born near, and went to school in Rottweil... I'm still on the floor about all this.
00sabato 1 maggio 2010 16:16
Cowgirl: Thank you! I thought I heard the word "Teufel" and know it means devil, but was uncertain as to the rest of the sentence. I certainly didn't know there was an Erwin Teufel - imagine having the surname "Devil" !!!!!!!

Some truth in it: I think the devil DID resign on that day, only to try his luck again in more recent times. But Saint Michael is working hard all the time!!!!!!
00mercoledì 5 maggio 2010 01:26

Happy Birthday, PapaB!!!! [SM=x40790]

Have a wonderful birthday and a great year. Enjoy it to the hilt.

[SM=x40799] [SM=x40801] [SM=x40799]

00mercoledì 5 maggio 2010 04:24
[SM=x40799] [SM=x40799] [SM=x40799] [SM=x40799] [SM=x40799] [SM=x40799] [SM=x40799] Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear PapaB! Happy birthday to you! AND MANY MORE!!! [SM=x40794] [SM=x40794] [SM=x40794] [SM=x40794] [SM=x40794] [SM=x40794] [SM=x40794]
00mercoledì 5 maggio 2010 22:04
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPAB!!!!!!!!!ALOHA!!!!!!!! [SM=g27823] [SM=g27823] [SM=g27823] [SM=g27823] [SM=g27823] [SM=g27823] [SM=g27823] [SM=g27823] [SM=g27823]
00sabato 8 maggio 2010 16:10

Even from me, dear Linda!
00venerdì 14 maggio 2010 01:47

Happy Birthday, Bood!!!

Have a great celebration and a wonderful year. So glad you are back with us.

[SM=x40799] [SM=x40801] [SM=x40799]

00venerdì 14 maggio 2010 02:13
[SM=x40801] [SM=x40801] [SM=x40801] [SM=x40799] [SM=x40799] [SM=x40799] [SM=x40799] [SM=x40799] [SM=x40799] [SM=x40799] Happy birthday Bood!!! Hope the coming year is filled with many blessings!
00venerdì 14 maggio 2010 13:45
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR BOOD!!!!!!!!!! Enchoy the day with your darling husband and beautiful baby son!!!!!!
May the year ahead bring you continued choy!!!!

Much luff - Mary xxxxxx
00sabato 22 maggio 2010 00:42


My daughter-in-law officially graduated today with her doctorate in social communications. We are delighted. The ceremony and a family-and-friend lunch afterwards were great.

[SM=x40801] [SM=x40801] [SM=x40801] [SM=x40801]
00sabato 22 maggio 2010 15:26

Congratulazioni!!!Congratulations!!! [SM=x40801]
00sabato 22 maggio 2010 17:51
[SM=x40799] [SM=x40799] [SM=x40799] WOW!!! Congrats to your daughter-in-law on the doctorate!

How is your daughter???

My brother's youngest daughter is graduating from high school tomorrow. I will be going to her party this afternoon. Congratulations to all the graduates out there!!!
00sabato 22 maggio 2010 19:04
Well done to your daughter in law, benefan!!!!! I know how much hard work is involved in simply achieving a Bachelor's Degree, so the doctorate must involve a great deal of research. It was this time of year and beautiful weather [too good for staying indoors studying] when I was taking my Finals......I won't say how many years ago, but I remember it all vividly.

When does the baby pop out of the pod?
00sabato 22 maggio 2010 19:56

Thanks, girls

My daughter-in-law worked very hard for her doctorate, especially since English is not her native language. Now she is trying to find a good university job nearby, which won't be easy in this economy. However, she has an interview this coming week in New Orleans so we are hopeful.

Regarding the baby, she is supposed to appear around May 30 or possibly the week after that but, at my daughter's last checkup on Friday, she was told that Baby Anna could show up any time now so we are on Red Alert. My daughter recently was told that she is a carrier of Strep B, which could cause all sorts of serious conditions in the baby, so to prevent that, she will need to have antibiotics administered intravenously during labor. We are all hoping everything will go without any problems. Prayers would be appreciated. I will let everyone know when the birth occurs, believe me.

00domenica 30 maggio 2010 04:57

Baby Anna is here! [SM=x40799]

My first little grandkid was born in the wee hours of the morning after more than 12 hours of labor. My gosh, what an ordeal. My daughter, son-in-law, and I didn't get any sleep for 36 hours and are total wrecks. The baby weighed in at 8 lbs., 3 oz. and is doing fine. My daughter, who wanted to have the baby without benefit of pain-blocking medicine, suffered through 2/3 of the labor without it but finally caved. She can't understand why anybody would choose to suffer that much when medicine is available to make the experience less horrible.

Mom, Dad, and Baby are still in the hospital but will move to our house for a couple of days afterward before heading home to their apartment. The baby, of course, is absolutely adorable. Thanks to all for your prayers. [SM=x40800]

00domenica 30 maggio 2010 06:46
[SM=x40799] [SM=x40799] [SM=x40799] WELCOME BABY ANNA!!! Congrats to the whole family! Great news.
00domenica 30 maggio 2010 12:52
So pleased for you, Mary and all the family. Can't wait to see a photo of little Anna - though, not so little, at well over 8 lb.
May God bless Anna and may her guardian angel be with her!

[SM=x40801] [SM=x40801] [SM=x40801] [SM=x40801]
00domenica 30 maggio 2010 13:53
Baby Anna


Great job!! Big girl!!!! Wonderful!

I also don't believe in pain relieve during child birth. I always declined. But it's very easy for me to say, since it took only 8, 4 and then 2 hours of labor for the boys.
I remember beating my husband in arm wresteling so easily during some of the contractions. He's still a bit upset about it (men!!).

Comes to show what type of strength and force a woman in labor can develop.

Little girls are such a treasure!!! I'm very happy for you!!
00domenica 30 maggio 2010 13:55
Congratulations and welcome to little Anna

As I said in the chatter thread, I will be in Lourdes next week with my diocese

I'll pray for all your intentions

00lunedì 31 maggio 2010 03:12

Thanks so much girls...

...for all the prayers and good wishes. Flo, that would be great if you would send up some prayers for the baby and parents at Lourdes. I would love to go there myself.

We are all still wiped out by the birthing experience, my daughter in particular, but her husband and I were also in the room watching the whole ordeal, including the actual birth, which was quite gory but also very emotional.

Here is a photo of the new member of our family--Anna Therese.

00lunedì 31 maggio 2010 07:45
Congratulations dear benefan to you and the whole family on the birth of little bundle of joy Anna! God's abundant blessing on her and you all!
[SM=x40800] [SM=x40800] [SM=x40800]
00lunedì 31 maggio 2010 12:11

lil’ Anna has duly arrived! What a joy and what a very cute little baby girl!
Hey, new grandma, congratulations to you, to the new parents and to all of you.

The wonder of life has happened again! I never will stop wondering about it!
God bless you all!

00lunedì 31 maggio 2010 21:42
Thank you, benefan, for the beautiful photo - Anna Therese! What strong names, one a doctor of the Church. Is she Anna after the mother of Our Blessed Lady or after the Anna in the temple? Either way, it's beautiful. [SM=x40801] [SM=x40801] [SM=x40801]
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