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Ultimo Aggiornamento: 20/02/2012 18:42
Post: 2.374
Età: 42
Sesso: Maschile
12/01/2011 22:35

Nella puntata di oggi "Cherie una Pixie tempestosa" è entrata in scena Cherie, la nuova amica dei Pixies. Il suo potere atmosferico è davvero bellissimo. Anche i poteri di Martino e Amore sono stati svelati oggi: Martino è il PopPixie delle acrobazie e Amore la PopPixie dei sentimenti.
Post: 2.374
Età: 42
Sesso: Maschile
16/01/2011 18:40


Da tv a Pitti, arrivano abiti PopPixie

Collezioni a Fortezza da Basso dal 20 al 22 gennaio

ROMA, 13 GEN - Arrivano da Rainbow gli abiti ispirati alla nuova serie animata PopPixie, in onda dal 10 gennaio su Raidue. Saranno presentate, in occasione della 72 edizione del Pitti Immagine Bimbo Fortezza da Basso di Firenze dal 20 al 22 gennaio 2011, nello stand di Mirtillo.

Immagine promozionale:

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[Modificato da veu 16/01/2011 18:46]
Post: 2.374
Età: 42
Sesso: Maschile
18/01/2011 22:41


Intervista a Elisa Rosselli oltre le Winx c'è di più...

Mi chiamo Elisa Rosselli, sono una cantante, una autrice di canzoni ed una performer.il mio rapporto col mondo radiotelevisivo è fondamentale per il mio lavoro, soprattutto da quando alcune canzoni del mio progetto Dale Arden sono state usate per spot ( D&G Time, Citroen Dolce and Gabbana) e programmi di attualità ( Lucignolo, Verissimo etc..).oltre ai due film animati delle Winx, e le sigle per la quarta serie tv, è appena partita la serie PopPixie per cui ho composto ( con Maurizio D'Aniello) e cantato le sigle.

Mi chiamo Elisa Rosselli, sono una cantante, una autrice di canzoni ed una performer. Sono nata a Piombino, in Toscana, ma ho vissuto a Firenze, Londra, Roma, Milano……sono la ragazza con la valigia!

La mia passione artistica nasce in famiglia.
Mia madre è una pianista classica, mio padre era un batterista jazz, mio fratello Stefano nasce come fumettista , anche se adesso è un art director nel settore della pubblicità, ed io restavo affascinata ad osservarlo immergersi in un mondo che scaturiva dalla sua mano in un fiume di personaggi e storie. Per non parlare di mio fratello Alessandro che mi deliziava con la sua chitarra classica , e che mi ha fatto scoprire le meraviglie dell’Universo attraverso telescopi del centro astrofili da lui fondato e la macrofotografia.
Amo molto anche la danza, di cui ho studiato vari stili.

Il mio rapporto col mondo radiotelevisivo inizia molto presto…da piccola avevo anticipato il Grande Fratello, credevo di vivere in un programma televisivo, e viceversa, credevo che ciò che succedeva in televisione fosse la realtà, quindi non facevo altro che esibirmi in piccoli show improvvisati da me dove cantavo e ballavo . Ero la protagonista del mio reality show immaginario.
Giunta a Milano ho iniziato a cantare per spot radiofonici e terlevisivi ed ho partecipato a varie trasmissioni quali Crozza Italia, Mtv etc.. direi che il mio rapporto col mondo radiotelevisivo è fondamentale per il mio lavoro, soprattutto da quando alcune canzoni del mio progetto Dale Arden sono state usate per spot ( D&G Time, Citroen Dolce and Gabbana) e programmi di attualità ( Lucignolo, Verissimo etc..)

Il mio programma preferito è stato ” Vieni via con me “, peccato che sia finito.

Il canale televisivo che guardo di più è MTV, adoro aggiornarmi sulle novità musicali ed amo guardare i video. A volte però mi dedico allo zapping estremo per capire cosa viene proposto, cosa c’è nell’aria.

La mia passione per i cartoon nasce dai fumetti di Topolino che leggevo e dai fumetti creati da mio fratello,da lì ho scoperto il mondo Disney…poi ho trascorso varie ore alla T.V. guardando ogni tipo di cartone animato..ero molto vorace.

Il mio cartoon preferito era Tom e Jerry , era molto divertente ed apprezzavo molto la musica dell’orchestra che commentava musicalmente ogni cosa .
Successivamente ho preferito tutti i cartoni animati dove la protagonista aveva a che fare con la magia o/ e la musica, le mie due passioni, dunque parlo di Creamy, Bia, Jem… Ma adoravo anche i Barbapapà.

Con la tecnologia ho un rapporto conflittuale…ma ci sto facendo pace finalmente.
Ho una pagina su Facebook dove ricevo tante richieste di amicizia da studenti di scuole di fumetto e da patiti di cartoons in generale, sai per via del fatto che compongo e canto le colonne sonore dei film animati delle Winx.
Ho fans in tutto il mondo e ne sono felice.
Ho anche una pagina su Myspacemusic. com dove mi si può trovare sotto il nome ” Ely and the freaks” ed ascoltare alcune canzoni del mio disco.
Per quanto riguarda il mio sito sto scegliendo la persona a cui farlo fare, non si tratta solo di immettere contenuti nelle pagine, si tratta anche di esprimerli nel modo giusto,considero il web design una nuova forma d’arte.

Attualmente mi sto occupando di 3 cose:

La scrittura di nuove canzoni per la Rainbow: oltre ai due film animati delle Winx, e le sigle per la quarta serie tv, è appena partita la serie PopPixie per cui ho composto ( con Maurizio D’Aniello) e cantato le sigle.
Per quanto riguarda i progetti Rainbow di cui mi occuperò prossimamente non posso ancora parlare…

Il mio disco: io e Maurizio D’ Aniello, che è il mio partner artistico da 9 anni, siamo nel bel mezzo di un processo creativo…stiamo cercando nuove sonorità…presto nasceranno nuove canzoni.
Lui è anche l’arrangiatore di tutto ciò che scriviamo,ed è un talento raro.
Vi terremo aggiornati.

Founda(c)tion : è il nome di una meravigliosa band di cui faccio parte, il nostro live è uno show molto… energizzante ,sono tutte canzoni originali con una matrice soul…ma intrise anche di funk, jazz e pop.
La musica però dice più di tante parole..andate a visitare Foundactionmusic.com

Il mio sogno nel cassetto è andare in giro per tutto il pianeta Terra , scoprire la musica di tutte le popolazioni e magari farla scoprire agli altri.
Mi piace tutto ciò che accomuna la gente nel bene , credo che la musica sia una piattaforma di comunicazione universale,e sono anche un’ottimista…nonostante le difficoltà del mondo attuale credo e so che le persone siano in grado di creare della magia e di condividerla con gli altri.
Post: 2.374
Età: 42
Sesso: Maschile
22/01/2011 15:10


Pitti Bimbo 2011: Rainbow e Mirtillo presentano le nuove collezioni Winx Club e PopPixie

Rainbow, content company che realizza produzioni animate e multimediali dedicate a bambini e ragazzi riconosciuta a livello internazionale, e Mirtillo, licenziatario ufficiale per le linee PopPixie e WinxClub 10/11, hanno presentato in anteprima al Pitti Bimbo, le nuove collezioni autunno - inverno 2011/2012.

Rainbow e Mirtillo presentano un autentico tripudio di colori e dolcezza espresso in 4 collezioni WinxClub dai nomi glamour - Rock Star, Romantic dream, '80 Love & Pet, Lovely Folk - e 3 nuovissime e calde collezioni PopPixie - Trendy Glam, Magic PopPixie e Sweet Cupcake - ispirate proprio ai Pixie, le magiche mini creature fatate e al loro mondo fantastico, le cui avventure sono in onda su Rai 2.

Le collezioni WinxClub by Mirtillo hanno un look romantico e sofisticato per il primo tema, giocato sui toni del rosa cipria, del grigio melange e del nero, con tocchi di latte ad illuminare una palette decisament e chic e femminile. Il mood romantico delle grafiche, che ricordano preziosi camei, ben si sposa con modellature morbide e contemporanee per un mix elegante ed informale al tempo stesso.

Ispirazione decisamente Eighties per il tema '80 Love & Pet che propone sovrapposizioni e forti contrasti di colore come il nero e il fucsia per un look che rimanda alle atmosfere di "Flashdance". Protagonisti delle grafiche i piccoli amici delle Winx che le accompagnano su tutti i capi, portando la loro dolcezza e luce di mille strass colorati. Ed infine ecco Bloom, Stella e Flora esibirsi in una rock session per le strade della città! Look grintoso e forte, modelli e colori decisamente fashion, giocati con grafiche monocolore sfumate rese super cool da glitter argentato e tocchi di lamina rosso fuoco.

Il magico mondo delle PopPixie rivive nella collezione dove le piccole fatine si posano su fondi color latte e rosa cipria in un'atmosfera incantata. La luce dell'oro illumina invece i capi in felpa del tema, proposti in un intenso color melanzana e impreziositi da strass crystal e borchie dorate.

Sweet Cupcake è il tema dal gusto sporty-glamour giocato nei toni del grigio melange e del ribes, abbinati ad una divertente stampa effetto mimetico dalla quale Lockette, Amore e Chatta fanno l'occhiolino (divertenti le spillette!). Sulle basi unite di felpa e jersey stretch le PopPixie brillano tra borchiette colorate, punti luce e glitter scintillanti.

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[Modificato da veu 22/01/2011 15:11]
Post: 2.374
Età: 42
Sesso: Maschile
23/01/2011 21:44


Rainbow brings Pop Pixie to MTV3

Pop Pixie, Winx Club’s amazingly popular spin-off series, has had quite the charmed life! Since debuting on France 3′s Mon Ludo block with strong ratings, the franchise has had its eyes set on global domination! In the continued quest for ever-expanding popularity, Rainbow is bringing the series to yet a new collection of regions: MTV3 in Finland, Canal Panda in Portugal, Kanal D in Turkey, Rai in Italy, Alter in Greece, Noga in Israel, and MBC in MENA. As Winx fans wait for Nickelodeon to take the cartoon in new directions, Pop Pixie has been an amazing fill in!
[Modificato da veu 23/01/2011 21:45]
Post: 2.374
Età: 42
Sesso: Maschile
24/01/2011 22:43


è in edicola il primo numero del magazine di Pop Pixie!

Correte in edicola a comprarlo!
Post: 2.374
Età: 42
Sesso: Maschile
29/01/2011 11:59


La rivista Total Licensing 2011 a pagina 70 dedica un articolo a Winx Club e a Pop Pixie in Turchia (evidenziamo in rosso la parte su Pop Pixie):

Winx Club was first launched in 2004 into a market which was dominated by Barbie as the girl’s property in Turkey. It seemed impossible to overtake the success of Barbie - girls adored it and the trade worshiped it. However, the situation was, it was discovered, largely due to the fact that there were no alternatives.

Filma Ltd decided to focus on the key values of Winx Club such as magic, fashion and friendship. Two months before the TV and magazine launch, they launched the Winx Club Turkish web site which was advertised through the Internet. Winx Club was the first kids brand to have its own website in the local language; it was very important because until that time the only websites for children were the game sites. With the advent of the Winx Club site, kids in Turkey suddenly had a website where they could learn things as well as play. The content of the website was unique. Girls welcomed this approach and visits to the site boomed after the television and magazine launch.

The first category launched was fashion bags to emphasize the fashion aspect of the brand which was supported with concept display windows at different stores in different locations. Filma looked for licensees who share the same enthusiasm they felt for Winx Club and also licensees that did not hold a lot of properties.

These different strategies proved to be successful: One year later Winx Club was the number one girl’s brand in Turkey.

Today, six years after its launch, Winx Club was awarded Best Girl’s Property by Kid’s Brands Association’s research carried out over 20,000 kids in Turkey.

Filma created mall activities in the most popular mall in Turkey, meet and greet sessions, a TV commercial that advertised the products of four licensees under the banner of Magical Winx World, sampling activities, live TV shows and TV programs.

One of the most successful promotions was related to the first Winx movie in 2008. Filma arranged for the most popular Turkish girls band among kids and tweens - Grup Hepsi - to sing the lead song for the movie and they also shot a music video combining the band and scenes from the movie. They launched the clip through music channels and online. This helped to broaden the audience beyond traditional Winx fans. The movie enjoyed 250,000 admissions and was the best animated movie of the year in 2008. For the second movie soundtrack Filma also used celebrities. The opening weekend ticket sales were 105,000 which was higher than Shrek.

The TV ratings for Winx Club have been outstanding. The show reached a 3.1 rating and 20.8% share amongst individuals. On the product side, sales have also been high. Winx Club to date has sold 400,000 DVDs, 1.5 million magazines, 330,000 watches, 1 million school bags, 1 million fashion bags and 250,000 sets of bed linen.

For 2011, Filma is working on the launch of PopPixie. This will be broadcast on one of the most popular national TV channels early this year and the launch of the toys will be through one of the strongest toy distributors. Filma are very confident that this new brand will add to the success of the Rainbow brands in Turkey."
Post: 2.374
Età: 42
Sesso: Maschile
01/02/2011 22:42


Bandai presenterà Pop Pixie alla Fiera del giocattolo di Norimberga.

Tra i nuovi giocattoli ci sarà anche la macchina dei Pop Pixie.
Post: 2.374
Età: 42
Sesso: Maschile
07/02/2011 22:14


Ecco le foto dello stand di Pop Pixie alla Fiera del giocattolo di Norimberga (grazie a Giulix per le foto e grazie a michaelfavorites2 per averle messe):

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Post: 2.374
Età: 42
Sesso: Maschile
08/02/2011 22:38

Nell'ultima foto che abbiamo postato ieri potete vedere com'è la macchinina di Pop Pixie con Chatta alla guida.
[Modificato da veu 08/02/2011 22:38]
Post: 2.374
Età: 42
Sesso: Maschile
09/02/2011 23:04


Ecco la copertina e una pubblicità del magazine di Pop Pixie:

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Post: 2.374
Età: 42
Sesso: Maschile
21/02/2011 22:36


Ecco il concorso per vincere i dvd di Pop Pixie in Francia:

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Post: 2.374
Età: 42
Sesso: Maschile
23/02/2011 22:32


Arrivano i diari di Pop Pixie.

Ecco qua:

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Post: 2.374
Età: 42
Sesso: Maschile
01/03/2011 19:15


In Francia sono già usciti i libri di Pop Pixie. Questi libri arriveranno anche da noi in Italia.

Ecco la copertina di uno dei nuovi libri di Pop Pixie:

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Post: 2.374
Età: 42
Sesso: Maschile
17/03/2011 12:43

News da michaelfavorites2:

Fashion and fun Follow top TV Ratings across Europe

(Loreto, Italy, March 16, 2011) Rainbow’s Pixie property has entered a slew of new licensing deals following its record breaking debut on broadcasters across Europe.

In Italy, where the Pixies have had a strong following since their debut on Winx Club in 2007, fashion led the list of new licensees: Marini Silvano (caps), Moda Bimbo (bags and fashion accessories), and Effegi Style (shoes) will cover the Italian market. They will support existing licensees such as Mirtillo (apparel, Italy), Carel (apparel, France), and Leomil (shoes in Europe excluding Italy, apparel in Central Europe) in giving PopPixie a massive presence in the world of fashion.

Other new deals include World Cart paper pocket handkerchiefs and Paben key rings, figurines, and alarm clocks in Italy, Cimpa underwear, nightwear and socks in Turkey, Prime food decoration and Isotoner antislip socks in France and FSE, Jose Juan Albero Puerto towels in Spain, and SAB towels, bedding and curtains in Turkey.

Part of PopPixie’s rapid growth in licensees is due to a Master Toy License with Bandai, its proven success in Italy in 2007 - when it sold 12 million Ferrero eggs and had a No.1 Fashion Doll - and its excellent TV ratings so far. Amongst 4-6 year olds, PopPixie reached peak ratings of 45% on France 3 (October 2010), 58% on Spain’s Clan TV (October 2010) and 58% on TVI Portugal (November 2010). The series has also begun airing on K-Net (Africa), Canal Panda (Portugal), Kanal D (Turkey), RAI (Italy), Alter (Greece), Junior and MTV3 (Finland), MBC (Middle East and Africa), and Noga (Israel).

PopPixie is an animated comedy for 4-10 year olds which takes place in Pixieville, a fantastical dimension where gnomes and magical animals live happily together with endlessly entertaining Pixies. But the peace and tranquility are often upset by rabble-rousing Elves, naughty kids always on the lookout for a little trouble and harmless fun. Magic, adventure and humor abound with these unforgettable characters, first introduced in 2007 in the super-popular Winx Club series two. TV ratings soon went through the roof and the colourful Pixies achieved immediate fame and impressive licensing results, prompting Rainbow to give the charming characters their very own TV show.

About Rainbow : Founded in 1995, Rainbow is a content company which develops animated and multimedia properties. Today it is one of the largest and most internationally renowned animation studios in the world. It is the only production company in Italy able to complete all stages of animation internally, including 3D animation. It currently has 200 full-time employees, as well as a network of animation freelancers and professionals who work with the company on a regular basis. The companies within the Rainbow group holding include: Rainbow Distribution BV in the Netherlands and Rainbow in (local offices which manage TV and licensing interests in association with the head office in Loreto); Rainbow CGI in Rome (film production, special effects and 3D animation); Rainbow Entertainment in Rome (fiction and live action); Rainbow Media in Singapore (videogames, internet, and on-line games); Tridimensional in Loreto (publishing and DVDs sold in kiosks); and Witty Toys in Amsterdam and Hong Kong (toy manufacturing). Rainbow creates and distributes original properties Winx Club, Huntik, PopPixie, Monster Allergy, Tommy & Oscar, and Maya Fox.
Post: 2.374
Età: 42
Sesso: Maschile
27/03/2011 14:21

Ecco un video con la collezione di abiti dedicata a Pop Pixie:

Pop Pixie - Collezione di abiti
Post: 2.374
Età: 42
Sesso: Maschile
31/03/2011 22:47


GIRLS MONTH: Rainbow ramps up publishing deals for PopPixie and Winx
by Samantha Loveday

New European agreements further strengthen hit girls' properties.

Rainbow S.p.A has sealed a number of new publishing deals for its PopPixie and Winx Club brands.

Winx Club is building up a strong programme throughout Europe and Russia. In Spain, Medialive has the licence for books, while Panini continues to distribute the monthly magazine. In Norway, Schibsted Forlage has picked up the book rights, with more than ten titles to be launched each year.

In Germany, Blue Ocean has renewed its magazine licence, while in Russia, CIS and Turkey, AST has won the Russian magazine rights and GIPTA has secured a stationery deal.

Finally, in Turkey, ALFA Publishing will distribute Winx books under its Artemis brand, while Aventura will distribute the Winx magazine.

Moving on to PopPixie, and Rusconi Gruppo Editoriale is on board for novels and activity books; and in France, Hachette has the book licence and will launch 24 titles this year. In Spain and Portugal, a PopPixie volume will be launched by Editorial Planeta and Edicoes ASA respectively. Turkish partners ALFA Publishing and Aventura have books and magazines.
Post: 2.374
Età: 42
Sesso: Maschile
05/04/2011 22:39

Newsda michaelfavorites2:

è stato siglato un accordo tra la Rainbow SpA e la rete televisiva russa CTC per Pop Pixie:


Winx Club and PopPixie Brighten up Russian Ratings

(Cannes, France, April 4, 2011) - (Virtual Press Office) - Rainbow is pleased to announce a major deal with Russian broadcaster CTC for its iconic brand Winx Club and icon-in-waiting PopPixie. The deal is a direct result of the Winx’ extraordinary, long term ratings success and its solid position as the No.1 girls property in Russia - and will establish the shows on CTC’s programming grid for years to come.

The deal includes four brand new Winx Club TV movies as well as upcoming Series Five (26 x 24), both co-productions with Nickelodeon. CTC already holds the rights to Winx Club Series 1-4 which have had literally unparalleled success in Russia, both in terms of TV ratings and brand awareness: Winx Club has consistently been one the top five highest rating shows on air in Russia since its launch in 2008, regularly achieving audience shares of around 60%, even on reruns (Eurodata TV). On the licensing front, Winx Club is far and away the most successful girls brand in the territory: it just received the prestigious 2011 Golden Bear Award for Best Licensed Property because of the outstanding quality of its licensing presence and revenue results, even surpassing the likes of Bakugan and Ben 10.

CTC will air the brand new Winx Club TV movies this fall 2011 followed by a rerun of series 3 and 4. They will then will air Winx Club 3D Magical Adventure in January 2012 (during the Christmas holiday) followed by a rerun of series 1-4 in the lead up to the much awaited broadcast of Series Five in fall 2012.
CTC also purchased PopPixie (52 x 13), Rainbow’s latest animated comedy series, which had an extremely positive debut across Europe last year, reaching peak ratings of up to 58% amongst 4-6 year olds. The leading Russian broadcaster will launch PopPixie in Fall 2011, and expects to replicate the success of Winx Club, as well as PopPixie’s results throughout Europe. ”As you know we treasure our long years partnership and we'll be happy to put your new animated series on air,” stated a spokesperson for the channel.
Post: 2.374
Età: 42
Sesso: Maschile
11/04/2011 20:01


Rainbow’s Winx spin-off takes global flight

Almost immediately following the 2005 debut of hit girls toon Winx Club, Loreto, Italy-based Rainbow recognized that the series’ spritely secondary PopPixie characters had struck a chord with the show’s female fans ages six to 11. Not tempted to fast-track development, however, the prodco didn’t launch spin-off series PopPixie until fall 2010, bolstered by a slew of presales to nets like Italian pubcaster Rai, Israel’s Noga and France Télévisions that were more than eager to take a chance on the property.
Same but different

Though Winx Club had given PopPixie a head start on building brand awareness with both audiences and buyers, the concept still had to prove itself on the worldwide stage. “The properties are definitely complementary because of their core values,” says Rainbow’s Fabio Calorio. However, he explains, the formats are very different. Winx Club features 26-minute episodes feeding an epic narrative of romantic love. PopPixie (52 x 13 minutes) is a more light-hearted and surreal comedy that revolves around the ever-optimistic pixies using their individual talents—no matter how bizarre—to solve problems and get themselves out of funny situations.
Rollout strategy

For Calorio, the shorter episode length and comedic tone of the series meant negotiating for daily broadcasts and repeats, and ideally early-morning time slots, to build the show’s profile. “Wherever it was not possible at the very beginning, thanks to good ratings, we were eventually able to start daily broadcasts,” he says.
Since the mid-August launch on France 3’s Mon Ludo, the series has achieved an average audience share above 20% among its core four- to 10-year-old viewers. In October, that take reached a peak of 45%. The series also scored a record high of 58% of four- to six-year-olds on Spain’s Clan TV in October, and the same with Portuguese kids ages four to six on TVI in November.
In the meantime, in an effort to emulate the success that Winx Club has had since debuting on Nickelodeon last fall, Rainbow has been sussing out a global broadcast partner for PopPixie.

Calorio says TV promos were the starting point for the property, so creating awareness in different territories meant working with local partners to create on-air spots for the show that had a high dose of comedy. “It’s a property that allows people to play with it,” says Calorio, adding that humorous on-air promos worked particularly well in France.
Calorio explains that the second phase of the rollout is built around licensing and merchandising efforts. Rainbow worked with master toy partner Bandai in Portugal to create an on-air giveaway program—the special holiday contest held during TVI’s live morning show culminated in 20 PopPixie dolls being delivered to viewers’ homes.
“We worked together with Bandai and TVI to find something that would be good for the broadcaster and would give visibility to the property,” says Calorio.
Next moves

Rainbow’s merchandising plans also include releasing the episodes on DVD and a PopPixie magazine, produced by its publishing division, that helps promote the series and related licensing programs through comics and contests. Emulating the Winx Club model, Rainbow has worked up a PopPixie style guide and has back-to-school merchandise top-of-mind for the next wave of consumer products. Rainbow also plans to put PopPixie on Winx’s path into other media like digital platforms and live events.
Post: 2.374
Età: 42
Sesso: Maschile
13/04/2011 22:50


Pop Pixie arriverà in America su Nickelodeon.

Ecco l'articolo:

Nickelodeon plucks PopPixie

It looks like the Pixies are joining Nickelodeon’s upcoming programming plans.

The broadcaster has secured global rights for Rainbow’s PopPixie TV series for its channels in the UK, Germany, Scandinavia, Benelux, South East Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Latin America, Eastern Europe, CIS and Africa. The series will air later this year and throughout 2012.

In addition to the Nickelodeon deal, PopPixie has also been sold to RAI (Italy), France 3, Clan TVE, Canal Panda (Portugal), Junior and MTV3 (Finland), CTC (Russia), M-Net (Africa), Kanal D (Turkey), MBC (Middle East and North Africa), and Noga (Israel).

The 52 x 13-minute animated comedy features the Pixies, which were first introduced as ancillary characters in Winx Club series two. The spin-off series was launched across Europe in 2010, targeting a core audience of kids ages four to six.
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