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FFX-2 FAQ by @Le

Ultimo Aggiornamento: 14/03/2004 21:58
Email Scheda Utente
Post: 401
Registrato il: 17/01/2003
Utente Senior
12/03/2004 16:54

Final Fantasy X-2 FAQ by @Le

- Le abilità e i sarcazzi vari sono in inglese perchè io ho la vers NTSC -
- Le volete? Dovete dirmelo, il primo ke le piglia senza consenso viene citato in tribunale -
- Trovate questa FAQ sul Balamb Forum e su Fantasylandia -

D) E' vero che Paine è figa?
R) Verissimo

D) In FFX-2 son presenti gli Eoni?
R) Sì ma non come summons a differenza degli altri FF

D) Quanti personaggi posso disporre nel gioco?
R) Sempre i soliti 3: Yuna, Paine e Rikku

D) E' possibile ottenere il 100% del gioco la prima volta?
R) Certo ma ti devi sbattere molto

D) Come li uso i vari Grid che ottengo?
R) Un grid è formato da un #di nodi, un # di gates (i cancelli colorati) e a volte setta delle autoabilità ai Dresspheres sul Grid.
Nei nodi ci vanno i Dress secondo un vostro criterio oppure potete settarli in automatico dal menu' dei Garment Grids.
Le autoabilità sono presenti nella info del Grid.
I cancelli aumentano per la durata del combattimento le abilità del vostro personaggio. Quando cambiate Dressphere con L1 e passate attraverso un cancello le abilità possono essere incrementate o potrete

usare nuove tecniche anche senza il Dress riferente ;D (Il tutto è spiegato nel tutorial di Shinra cmq!)
    Equip. Thunder Eater vorrà dire che al vostro personaggio, quando colpito da attacchi di tipo tuono o magie tuono, verranno ripristinati gli HP ("danno" in verde);

    Strenght +10 > Rosso vorrà dire che la potenza fisica del personaggio aumenterà di 10 se cambiate Dress passando per il cancello rosso;

    Deathtouch > Verde + Rosso vorrà dire che per avere l'abilità Death agli attacchi e alle abilità (Death è il KO istantaneo eh!) dovrete passare prima per il verde con L1 e poi per il rosso ancora con L1;

    Magic+15 > Rosso / Verde / Giallo / Blu vorrà dire che per ogni cancello che passate l'attacco Magico aumenterà di 15 punti.

D) Quanti sono i Garment Grids?
R) 60 ed ecco l'elenco [# nodi = # Dress da poter inserire, Gates > "Cancelli" colorati, Equip > Autoabilità]
    First Step: 6 nodi; Equip. N/A; Gates: N/A

    Vanguard: 5 nodi; Equip. Strenght +5, Magic +5; Gates: 4 (Strenght +5 > Rosso e Giallo; Magic +5 > Blu e Verde);

    Bum Rush: 5 nodi; Equip. Strenght+10, Magic +10; Gates: 4 (Strenght +10 > Rosso e Giallo; Magic +10> Blu e Verde);

    Undying Storm: 5 nodi; Equip. Strenght +15, Magic +15; Gates: 4 (Strenght +15 > Rosso e Giallo, Magic + 15> Blu e Verde);

    Flash Of Steel: 5 nodi, Equip. Strenght +20, Magic +20; Gates: 4 (Strenght +20 > Rosso e Giallo, Magic + 20 > Blu e Verde);

    Protection Halo: 5 nodi, Equip. Defense +5, Magic Defense +5; Gates: 4 (Defense +5 > Rosso e Giallo, Magic Defense +5> Blu e Verde);

    Hour Of Need: 5 nodi, Equip. Defense +10, Magic Defense +10; Gates: 4 (Defense +10 > Rosso e Giallo, Magic Defense +10> Blu e Verde);

    Unwevaring Guard: 5 nodi, Equip. Defense +15, Magic Defense +15; Gates: 4 (Defense +15 > Rosso e Giallo, Magic Defense +15> Blu e Verde);

    Valiant Lustre: 5 nodi, Equip. Defense +20, Magic Defense +20; Gates: 4 (Defense +20 > Rosso e Giallo, Magic Defense +20> Blu e Verde);

    Highroad Wings: 4 nodi, Equip. First Strike; Gates: 4 (Slowproof > Verde, Stopproof > Rosso, Haste > Giallo, SOS Haste > Verde + Rosso + Giallo + Blu);

    Mounted Assault: 4 nodi, Equip. First Strike; Gates: 4 (Slowproof > Verde, Stopproof > Rosso, Hastega > Giallo, AutoHaste > Verde + Rosso + Giallo + Blu);

    Heart Of Flame: 3 nodi, Equip. Fire Eater, Use Fire; Gates: 3 (Firestrike > Giallo, Rosso + Verde > Use Fira, Rosso + Verde + Giallo > Use Firaga):

    Ice Queen: 3 nodi, Equip. Ice Eater, Use Blizzard; Gates: 3 (Icestrike > Giallo, Rosso + Verde > Use Blizzara, Rosso + Verde + Giallo > Use Blizzaga):

    Thunder Spawn: 3 nodi, Equip. Thunder Eater, Use Thunder; Gates: 3 (Firestrike > Giallo, Rosso + Verde > Use Thundara, Rosso + Verde + Giallo > Use Thundaga):

    Menace Of Deep: 3 nodi, Equip. Water Eater, Use Water; Gates: 3 (Firestrike > Giallo, Rosso + Verde > Use Watera, Rosso + Verde + Giallo > Use Waterga):

    Downtrodder: 3 nodi, Equip. Gravity Eater; Gates: 3 (Gravitystrike > Verde, Demi > Rosso, Verde + Rosso + Giallo > Double HP);

    Sacred Beast. 4 nodi, Equip. Holy Eater; Gates: 4 (Holystrike > Verde, Rosso + Verde + Giallo + Blu > Use Holy);

    Tetra Master: 5 nodi, Equip. Tetrastrike; Gates: 4 (Fire Eater > Verde, Ice Eater > Rosso, Lightning Eater > Giallo, Water Eater > Blu);

    Restless Sleep: 5 nodi, Equip. Use Sleep & Bio; Gates: 4 (Sleepproof > Verde, Sleeptouch > Verde + Rosso, Poisonproof > Giallo, Poisontouch > Giallo + Blu);

    Still Of Night: 5 nodi, Equip. Use Silence & Blind; Gates: 4 (Silenceproof > Verde, Silentouch > Verde + Rosso, Blindproof > Giallo, Blindtouch > Giallo + Blu);

    Mortal Coil: 5 nodi, Equip. Itchproof; Gates: 4 (Curseproof > Verde, Stoneproof > Rosso, Stonetouch > Giallo, Use Break > Blu);

    Racing Giant: 5 nodi, Equip. Use Confuse; Gates: 4 (Confuseproof > Verde, Confusetouch > Verde + Rosso, Berserkproof > Giallo, Berserktouch > Giallo + Blu);

    Bitter Farewell: 5 nodi, Equip. Use Deat & Doom; Gates: 4 (Deathproof > Verde, Deathtouch > Verde + Rosso, Doomproof > Giallo, Doomtouch > Giallo + Blu);

    Selene Guard: 4 nodi, Equip. SOS Shell, Use Shell; Gates: 1 (Auto Shell > Rosso);

    Helios Guard: 4 nodi, Equip. SOS Protect, Use Protect; Gates: 1 (Auto Protect > Rosso);

    Shining Mirror: 4 nodi, Equip. Piercing Magic, Use Reflect; Gates: 1 (Auto Reflect > Rosso);

    Covetous: 3 nodi, Equip. N/A; Gates: 2 (Use Drain > Blu, Use Osmose > Rosso);

    Disaster In Bloom: 5 nodi, Equip. N/A; Gates: 4 (Sleeptouch > Verde, Silencetouch > Rosso, Darktouch > Giallo, Poisontouch > Blu, Stonetouch > Rosso + Giallo + Verde + Blu);

    Scourgebane: 5 nodi, Equip. N/A; Gates: 4 (Sleepproof + Poisonproof > Verde, Silenceproof + Darkproof > Rosso, Confuseproof + Berserkproof > Giallo, Curseproof + Itchproof > Blu);

    Healing Wind: 3 nodi, Equip. Use Cure; Gates: 2 (Use Cura > Blu, Use Curaga > Blu + Rosso);

    Heart Reborn: 3 nodi, Equip. Use Life & Cure, Gates: 2 (Use Cura > Rosso, Use Curaga > Rosso + Blu);

    Healing Light: 3 nodi, Equip. Use Cure, Gates: 3 (Use Cura > Rosso, Use Life > Verde, Use Curaga > Giallo, Use Full-Cure > Rosso + Giallo + Verde);

    Immortal Soul: 4 nodi, Equip. Use Life & Cure, Gates: 3 (Use Cura > Verde, Use Curaga > Giallo, Use Full-Life > Giallo + Rosso + Verde);

    Wishbringer: 5 nodi, Equip. Use HP Stroll, use Regen; Gates: 2 (Use Curaga > Verde, Auto Regen > Verde + Rosso);

    Strenght Of One: 4 nodi, Equip. Strenght+10; Gates: 4 (Strenght+15> Rosso / Verde / Blu / Giallo);

    Seething Cauldron: 4 nodi, Equip. Magic+10; Gates: 4 (Magic +15> Rosso / Verde / Blu / Giallo)>;

    Stonehewn: 4 nodi, Equip. Defense+10; Gates: 4 (Defense+15 > Rosso / Verde / Blu / Giallo);

    Enigma Plate: 4 nodi, Equip. Magic Defense+10; Gates: 4 (Magic Defense+15 > Rosso / Verde / Blu / Giallo);

    Howling Wind: 4 nodi, Equip. Agility+5; Gates: 4 (Agility+5 > Rosso / Verde / Blu / Giallo);

    Ray Of Hope: 4 nodi, Equip. Luck+30; Gates: 4 (Luck+30 > Rosso / Verde / Blu / Giallo);

    Pride Of The Sword: 6 nodi, Equip: Use Swordplay Abilities; Gates: 4 (Strenght+15 > Rosso / Verde / Giallo / Blu, Swordplay Wait Down > Rosso + Verde + Giallo + Blu);

    Samurai's Honor: 6 nodi, Equip. Use Bushido Abilities; Gates: 4 (Strenght+15 > Rosso / Verde / Giallo / Blu, Bushido Wait Down > Rosso + Verde + Giallo + Blu);

    Blood Of The Beast: 6 nodi, Equip. Use Istinct Abilities; Gates: 4 (Strenght+15 > Rosso / Verde / Giallo / Blu, Istinct Wait Down > Rosso + Verde + Giallo + Blu);

    Chaos Maelstrom: 6 nodi, Equip. Use Arcana abilities; Gates: 4 (Magic+15 > Rosso / Verde / Giallo / Blu, Arcana Wait Down > Rosso + Verde + Giallo + Blu);

    White Signet: 6 nodi, Equip. Use White Mage abilities; Gates: 4 (Magic+15 > Rosso / Verde / Giallo / Blu, White Mage Wait Down > Rosso + Verde + Giallo + Blu);

    Black Tabard: 6 nodi, Equip. Use Black Mage abilities; Gates: 4 (Magic+15 > Rosso / Verde / Giallo / Blu, Black Mage Wait Down > Rosso + Verde + Giallo + Blu);

    Mercurial Strike: 6 nodi; Equip. N/A; Gates: 3 (Swordplay Wait Down > Rosso, Bushido Wait Down > Verde, Instict Wait Down > Giallo);

    Tricks Of The Trade: 6 nodi; Equip. N/A; Gates: 3 (Black Mage Wait Down > Rosso, White Mage Wait Down > Giallo, Arcana Wait Down > Verde);

    Horn Of Plenty: 5 nodi, Equip. Use Nab Gil; Gates: 1 (Gillionaire> Rosso);

    Treasure Hunt: 5 nodi, Equip. Use Mug; Gates: 1 (Double Items > Rosso);

    Tempered Will: 5 nodi, Equip. N/A, Gates: 2 (Double HP > Verde, Double MP > Rosso);

    Covenant Of Growth: 5 nodi, Equip. N/A, Gates: 2 (Double AP > Blu, Double EXP > Giallo);

    Salvation Promised: 4 nodi, Equip. Use White Mage Abilities; Gates: 3 (Use Auto-Life > Giallo + Rosso + Verde);

    Conflagration: 4 nodi, Equip. Use Black Mage Abilities; Gates: 3 (Use Flare > Rosso + Blu + Verde);

    Supreme Light: 5 nodi, Equip. Use White Mage Abilities; Gates: 3 (Use Auto-Life > Verde, Use Holy > Verde + Rosso + Giallo);

    Megiddo: 5 nodi, Equip. Use Black Mage Abilities; Gates: 3 (Use Flare > Verde, Use Ultima > Verde + Rosso + Giallo);

    Unerring Path: 2 nodi, Equip: N/A, Gates: N/A;

    Font Of Power: 4 nodi, Equip. Half MP Cost; Gates: 3 (Magic + 15 > Rosso / Blu / Giallo, One MP Cost > Rosso + Blu + Giallo);

    Higher Power: 5 nodi, Equip. Break HP Limit; Gates: 4 (Break Damage Limit > Rosso + Blu + Giallo + Verde);

    The End: 5 nodi, Equip. Break HP Limit; Gates: 4 (Break Damage Limit > Verde + Rosso, Use Finale > Verde + Rosso + Giallo + Blu);

D) Quanti sono i Dresspheres?
R) Sono in totale 17 ed ecco l'elenco:
    Gunner; Main Commands > Attack, Trigger Happy, Gunplay, Item

    Thief; Main Commands > Attack, Steal, Flimflam, Flee, Item

    Gun Mage; Main Commands > Attack, Blue Bullet, Fiend Hunter, Scan, Item

    Warrior; Main Commands > Attack, Swordplay, Assault, Sentinel, Item

    Alchemist; Main Commands > Attack, Mix, Stash, Item

    Samurai; Main Commands > Attack, Bushido, Spare Change, Zantetsu, Item

    Dark Knight; Main Commands > Attack, Darkness, Arcana, Charon, Item

    Berserker; Main Commands > Attack, Berserk, Instict, Howl, Item

    Songstress; Main Commands > Dance, Sing, Item

    Black Mage; Main Commands > Black Magic, Focus, MP Absorb, Item

    White Mage; Main Commands > Pray, Vigor, White Magic, Item

    Lady Luck; Main Commands > Attack, Gamble, Tantalize, Bribe, Item

    Trainer (Yuna - Kogoro, Rikku - Ghiki, Paine - Flurry); Main Commands > Attack, Pet, Item

    Mascot (Yuna - Moogle, Rikku - Cait Sith, Paine - Tomberry); Main Commands > Attack, (Mascot), (Secondary Attack Abilities), (Secondary Magic Abilities);

      Floral Fallal (Yuna's Special Dress); Main Commands > Attack, Fallalery, Great Whirl, Libra;

      Right Pistil; Main Commands > Right Stigma, Right Pistilplay;

      Left Pistil; Main Commands > Left Stigma, Left Pistilplay;

      Machina Maw (Rikku's Special Dress); Main Commands > Attack, Machinations, Revival, Vajra

      Smasher-R; Main Commands > Homing Ray, Smash, HP Repair, MP Repair;

      Crusher-R; Main Commands > Homing Ray, Crush, HP Repair, MP Repair;

      Full Throttle (Paine's Special Dress); Main Commands > Attack, Throttle, Fright, Sword Dance;

      Dextral Wing; Main Commands > Dextral Arts, Stamina, Meetle, Reboot;

      Sinistral Wing; Main Commands > Sinistral Arts, Stamina, Meetle, Reboot.

D) Dove trovo i 10 Kyactus della missione del deserto di Bikanel?
    1 - Lobivia
      Sezione Oasi, Bikanel Desert

    2 - Tourmeya
      Besaid Island, spiaggia

    3 - Lobeira
      Guadosalam, Cheateau LeBlanc, sotterranei, in una stanza

    4 + 5 - Areq & Arroja
      Calm Lands, ai piedi del Monte Gagazet

    6 - Islaya
      Thunder Plains, sezione Nord

    7 - Chiapa
      Kilika, nella foresta, sopra un tronco nello spazio dove c'è una cassa

    8 - Erio
      Mt. Gagazet, andate in giro a cercarlo

    9 - Bartschella
      Kilika Island, con Dona

    10 - Frailea
      Cactuar Hollow < ?

D) Dove trovo le 10 Crimsom Spheres?
R) Thx 2 gamefaqs.com

Crimson Sphere 1

Name: Crimson Sphere 1

Descripton: Appears to be part of some kind of record.

How to get: Go in under Bevelle (where you once fought Dark Bahamut) during
Ch.3, you should come across a Malobros. Defeat it and obtain
the sphere.

Effect: Be able to open and enter the "Den of Woe" in Mushroom Rock Road if
10 Crimson Sphere are collected.

Crimson Sphere 2

Name: Crimson Sphere 2

Descripton: Appears to be part of some kind of record.

How to get: After clearing the fiend and completing the Djose Temple mission
by defeating Ixion in Ch.3, you'll received it from Gippal and

Effect: Be able to open and enter the "Den of Woe" in Mushroom Rock Road if
10 Crimson Sphere are collected.

Crimson Sphere 3

Name: Crimson Sphere 3

Descripton: Appears to be part of some kind of record.

How to get: After clearing the fiend and completing the Djose Temple mission
by defeating Ixion in Ch.3, you'll received it from Gippal and

Effect: Be able to open and enter the "Den of Woe" in Mushroom Rock Road if
10 Crimson Sphere are collected.

Crimson Sphere 4

Name: Crimson Sphere 4

Descripton: Appears to be part of some kind of record.

How to get: Go to Leblanc's place in Guadosalam. Then go to the place where
you once fought them near a treasure chest in the chateau. After
that climb the boxes on the left and advance to the top to get

Effect: Be able open and enter the "Den of Woe" in Mushroom Rock Road if
10 Crimson Sphere are collected.

Crimson Sphere 5

Name: Crimson Sphere 5

Descripton: Appears to be part of some kind of record.

How to get: After the 1000 Words concert by the end of Ch.4 talk to Leblanc
in the engine room.

Effect: Be able to open and enter the "Den of Woe" in Mushroom Rock Road if
10 Crimson Sphere are collected.

Crimson Sphere 6

Name: Crimson Sphere 6

Descripton: Appears to be part of some kind of record.

How to get: When you first enter the Via Infinito Cloister in Bevelle during
Ch.5 you should received it after a scene.

Effect: Be able to open and enter the "Den of Woe" in Mushroom Rock Road if
10 Crimson Sphere are collected.

Crimson Sphere 7

Name: Crimson Sphere 7

Descripton: Appears to be part of some kind of record.

How to get: Received it from Nooj in Ch.2 by visiting the Den of Woe in
Mushroom Rock Road.

Effect: Be able to open and enter the "Den of Woe" in Mushroom Rock Road if
10 Crimson Sphere are collected.

Crimson Sphere 8

Name: Crimson Sphere 8

Descripton: Appears to be part of some kind of record.

How to get: When you get to Via Infinito Cloister 20 in Bevelle you should
see it on the ground after a cut scene. Then pick it up.

Effect: Be able to open and enter the "Den of Woe" in Mushroom Rock Road if
10 Crimson Sphere are collected.

Crimson Sphere 9

Name: Crimson Sphere 9

Descripton: Appears to be part of some kind of record.

How to get: In Ch.1 go to the Den of Woe during the mission at Mushroom
Rock Road and you should find it on the ground.

Effect: Be able to open and enter the "Den of Woe" in Mushroom Rock Road if
10 Crimson Sphere are collected.

Crimson Sphere 10

Name: Crimson Sphere 10

Descripton: Appears to be part of some kind of record.

How to get: During Ch.2 after the massage, head into Logos's room within the

Effect: Be able to open and enter the "Den of Woe" in Mushroom Rock Road if
10 Crimson Sphere are collected.

D) Dove trovo i potenziamenti degli Special Dress (per apprendere Break HP Limit e Break Damage Limit)?
    Yuna - Floral Fallal
      Aurora Rain (Break HP Limit), Calm Lands, in una cassa nel crepaccio, chapter 5

      Twilight Rain (Break Damage Limit), Besaid Island, in una cassa dove ci sono le cascate, chapter 5

    Rikku - Machina Maw
      Machina Reactor (Break HP Limit), Calm Lands, in un dungeon. Per attivarlo dovrete mandare i Chocobo in giro per Spira

      Machina Booster (Break Damage Limit), Mushroom Rock Road, Youth League HQ, in una cassa, chapter 5

    Paine - Full Throttle
      Corpus Invictus (Break HP Limit),Thunder Plains, Secret Dungeon, chapter 5. Eliminate i mostri sulle torri, entrate nel dungeon, trovate Cid e cercate

      Victor Primoris (Break Damage Limit), Mi'hen Highroad, cavalcate un Chocobo fino a nord e pensateci voi a come trovarlo :P
Email Scheda Utente
Post: 459
Registrato il: 17/01/2003
Utente Senior
14/03/2004 21:58

Chiudo e riapro qndo devo aggiungere così evitiamo post cazzosi
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