00 16/11/2007 16:44
Well – I suppose we all has to get used to being targets of these Lucifer-worshipping Zionists, who don’t even know the meaning of the word "moral decency" – while speaking to an invited guest (Dr. Ahmadinejad at US University Campus) or addressing their opponents during an internet discussion – and I am not talking about myself here. Here is an e-mail message Mark Glenn, an American Christian author received a few months ago:

"Go fuck yourself and all that think like you! Do not write me any more you asshole!!!!!! Bite me! Eat shit and die!!! Or fuck off !! Jesus should have been a victim of abortion!!!"

But then the Zionist leaders have been some of the most Jew-haters in the world. For example:

"Jews are a ‘stooped, despondent’ people, ‘living in filth’. They’re a ‘clump of Asia’ in the middle of Europe, and, as a separate body, they are ‘one big hunchback’." – Israel Joshua Singer

"Jews are ‘rootless and restless’ people, ‘living a false and perverted existence’." – Klatzkin

"The Jew is ‘everywhere a guest’, ‘nowhere at home’, ‘moving like a ghost from one country to another, an alien body; he is half dead, struck with sickness of wandering." – Pinsker

"Jewish life is a ‘dog’s life’ that evokes disgust," – Frishman

"Jews are not a nation, not a people, not human," – Berdichevsky

"Jews are gypsies, filthy dogs, inhuman wounded dogs," – Lenni Brenner

"Jews are parasites, people fundamentally useless," – A.D. Gordon

"Jews are slaves, harlots, the basest uncleanliness, worms, filth, rootless parasites," – Schawadron.

"Every nation, in its time of misfortune, has conspirators who do their work in secret. In our case an entire nation has been raised on conspiracy. With others the conspiracy is political; with us it is religious and national," – Chaim Kaplan in his diary at Warsaw ghetto uprising.