00 23/11/2007 16:25
sulla mela: leggendo altre cose, mi è saltato alla vista un riferimento a questo frutto come simbolo del terzo occhio, aperto dal risveglio del kundalini....


I come from the darkness and in the darkness rest.
My appearance is black, my spirit is white and red is my flow.

With a hand I wound and with the other cure, my lips enchant and my eyes bind.
I am not good and am not bad, am not hatred and am not love. I live from always,
I was born yesterday and I will die tomorrow,

showing my light to who has the courage to catch up me ...
Do not follow me, you would not find I ...

Guess me in of you, in that dark place of the soul where the conscience shines without beliefs ...
I will so show myself at your side patiently smiling to your tender fears ...