00 09/07/2005 09:47

Dixie & Jay Lethal battono The Heartbreak Express (Phil Davis & Sean Davis)

Roderick Strong batte Azrieal

ROH Tag Team Title Match: BJ Whitmer & Jimmy Jacobs (c) battono Lacey's Angels (Cheech & Deranged)

AJ Styles batte Jimmy Rave (w/Prince Nana & "The Killer" Kruel)

Nigel McGuinness batte Vordell Walker

Austin Aries batte Homicide, James Gibson, Samoa Joe

Christopher Daniels batte Colt Cabana

ROH World Title Match: CM Punk (c) batte Jay Lethal

Credits: Obsessed with Wrestling

Handler di Davin Key - RSF
Handler di Rob Matis - RUMBLE MMA

'Cause That's How Roll