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mandala magici e mandala magici con la data di nascita

  • Messaggi
    Post: 2.588
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 20/02/2017 13:40
    giorno-mese-anno riportati ai minimi termini per creare la matrice
    Sara' difficile ripescarli e molti sono andati perduti ma iniziamo con questo come apertura:

    08 17 02
    03 09 15
    16 01 10

    Costante magica: 27???
    [Modificato da sp3ranza 21/02/2017 03:39]
    Post: 2.588
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 20/02/2017 13:40
    Post: 2.588
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 20/02/2017 13:54
    Post: 2.588
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 20/02/2017 13:55
    Post: 2.588
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 21/02/2017 03:38
    Post: 2.588
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 21/02/2017 03:42
    Io vedo immagini in questi quadrati magici ed usando quelle immagini, posso creare con le matrici, tutti i diversi tipi di quadrati...

    04 11 03
    05 06 07
    09 01 08

    4 3 2 1
    2 1 4 3
    1 2 3 4
    3 4 1 2

    Il primo e' il piu' banale e si puo' iniziare da qualsiasi numero incrementando di un solo valore..nulla di magico ma ben altro...In quello in questione, si e' semplicemente iniziato dal 18

    [Modificato da sp3ranza 21/02/2017 04:06]
    Post: 2.588
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 21/02/2017 04:04
    Post: 2.588
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 21/02/2017 04:09
    Anche gli animali/piante/uccelli ed altre forme di vita percepiscono la geometria sacra a cui gli umani hanno abbinato i numeri e le altre forme di vita hanno percezioni differenti da noi, che un tempo utilizzavamo altri sensi per sopravvivere a contesti pieni di predatori pericoli insidie e senza quei super sensi, non avremmo avuto attualmente sono in una sorta di off/sleeping mode per diverse ancora presenti nel nostro materiale genetico infatti molti di noi hanno ancora visioni/sogni premonitori presenti fin dai tempi prebiblici delle ere precedenti e menzionati anche nei testi di gilgamesh che percepiva tramite sogni/visioni quello che sarebbe successo come e' successo a me tantissime volte e come succede a molti altri...nulla di nuovo ma solo di mal compreso, mal studiato, mal concepito e mal utilizzato putroppo...
    Post: 2.588
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 21/02/2017 22:10
    pausa pranzo ed appunti per la costante magica creata con la data di rv
    22 60 11
    20 31 42
    51 02 40

    costante magica=93
    dal link accluso:

    What Is 93?

    93 is the numerical value of Thelema (the Greek word for Will). People who follow Thelemic Paths base much of their information on the works of Aleister Crowley. Crowley believed he had received messages that he was a new messiah, and was to create a new religion called Thelema.

    93 is also the numerical equivalent for the Greek word Agape, meaning love.

    Thelema, or Will is expressed as:
    Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
    Agape, or Love is expressed as:
    Love is the law, love under will.

    These two phrases are the Law of Thelema. In the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn (T.·.G.·.D.·.) and a few other magickal groups, members greet each other by saying the Thelema part:

    Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

    The person being greeted then says the Agape part in response:

    Love is the law, love under will.

    These phrases can also be used as greetings and farewells, the greeting being Thelema, and the parting being agape. Both phrases are abbreviated by the number 93. The sum of the values of the letters in the word Thelema total 93. Also, the sum of the values of the letters in the word agape total 93.

    From this greeting developed the abbreviation for written correspondences, 93. This can be somewhat paralleled with the Pagan greeting "Merry Meet" being abbreviated to mm, and "Merry Part" being abbreviated to mp.

    However, 93 goes far beyond a greeting, it is a statement of the Law of Thelema, and from a Wiccan perspective can be somewhat roughly compared to a Wiccan stating the Rede in greeting and passing. Don't be confused here however, the Law of Thelema has significant and important differences from the Wiccan Rede, this is simply an example.

    So what response do you give to 93? If you sincerely follow the Thelemic path, you would reply 93 or "Love is the law, love under will."

    The sample correspondence above could be translated as:

    Dear Sir,
    Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
    How are you?
    Love is the law, love under will.

    93/93 is also used as a signature line, translated as: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the Law, love under Will.

    Why It Is Used

    The reasons for 93 being used in most online correspondences do not necessarily compliment the meaning of 93. To be blunt, most of the people we've encountered who use 93 in their email, forum posts, and other online correspondences, have no idea what it means.

    After cornering many dozens of people in chat rooms and through email who have used 93 as an introductory greeting, most simply say they use it because it is like the "secret club handshake." Some even admitted to using it simply in order to drive people nuts trying to figure out what it is. Unfortunately, for some it is a way to feel superior, powerful, and knowledgeable.

    However, there is a small percentage of people who do know what it means when they use it. Much like Druidic orders, knowledge, wisdom and seeking are very high priorities for those traveling Thelemic paths.

    We must respect those who are willing to put forth the effort, are smart enough to not get caught up in power plays and intentionally convoluted or drug induced writings (which may apply in the case of Crowley), and sincere enough to really make progress on these paths. Most importantly, we must respect these few for having to deal with those who use or abuse 93 without knowing its deeper meaning.

    Many Pagans are turned off by the hierarchical division of spiritual levels within the Golden Dawn and related paths. These hierarchical divisions extend to both members in groups, and to energies in other realms. Many Pagans are also turned off by the Judeo-Christian overtones they perceive in these paths, as well as the frequent patriarchal attitudes.

    However, as Pagans, particularly Wiccans and Witches, we owe a great deal to the magickal progress made through Thelema and the Golden Dawn, as well as the experimentation done by Crowley.

    Some Pagan traditions draw heavily on the works of Crowley, the Golden Dawn and other magickal orders, some not at all, and some do so without even knowing the origins of their philosophies. Throughout the Members Area, we strive to show you the origins of all aspects of Paganism so you can develop your own path according to what you feel comfortable with.

    Furthering Your Studies

    Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn
    Further study of the following topics will reveal more regarding the number 93: numerology, Crowley, the Thelemic 93 trinity, the Qabalah & Gematria, the numerical value of the words serpent - neshek - neophyte - messiah, the Hebrew individual numerals Gimel & Teth, the study of Freemasonry, the grades A.·.A.·..
    Please report broken links by clicking on "Contact Us" at the bottom of every PaganPath page.
    [Modificato da sp3ranza 22/02/2017 01:46]
    Post: 2.588
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 22/02/2017 02:03
    Regalo Rodolfo
    Post: 2.588
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 22/02/2017 14:08
    Creato in pochissimo tempo un programmino che crea quadrati magici inserendo solo i 3 dati del giorno/mese/anno di nascita
    riportati ai minimi termini e cioe' di un solo valore addizionando le cifre tra di loro fino ad ottenere un numero unico per il giorno/mese/anno

    vediamo se lo carica:
    no, non accetta il formato
    Post: 2.588
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 22/02/2017 20:52
    bozze carte
    quadrato magico druido terminato
    Post: 2.588
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 22/02/2017 21:09
    quadrato magico druido terminato
    Post: 2.588
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 22/02/2017 21:15
    Post: 2.588
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 22/02/2017 21:16
    Post: 2.588
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 22/02/2017 21:58
    regalo macys
    Post: 2.588
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 23/02/2017 12:56

    regalo rodolfo

    Post: 2.588
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 23/02/2017 17:28
    Post: 2.588
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 26/02/2017 14:10
    nel nome della rosa di Alan:

    Post: 2.588
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 15/01/2018 14:37
    Re: giorno-mese-anno riportati ai minimi termini per creare la matrice
    sp3ranza, 2/20/2017 1:40 PM:

    Sara' difficile ripescarli e molti sono andati perduti ma iniziamo con questo come apertura:

    08 17 02
    03 09 15
    16 01 10

    Costante magica: 27???


    [Modificato da sp3ranza 15/01/2018 14:41]