Medieval Total War Italia

Richiesta trucchi console

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    Post: 1.433
    Registrato il: 06/04/2011
    Città: ROMA
    Età: 30
    00 06/07/2013 22:16
    Salve a tutti.
    Per mia sfortuna un crash al cambio turno mi impedisce di continuare la partita e di certo non ho intenzione di ripeterla da capo essendo arrivato nel 1236.

    Intanto vi mostro un piccolo problema:

    è facile capire chi sono, se notate bene sopra c'è scritto inverno 1235 anche se questo è il turno 162, quindi dovrebbe essere l'inverno del 1236.
    Questo è il problema minore in quanto sono bloccato da un crash che avviene quando i Mori conquistano l'ultima città castigliana, quello che mi serve è il comando della console che elimina la fazione castigliana, ho cercato su internet ma non ho trovato nulla.
    Post: 50
    Registrato il: 19/04/2013
    Età: 28
    00 06/07/2013 23:31
    Prova con "surrender_regions spain" [SM=g27960]
    Post: 1.433
    Registrato il: 06/04/2011
    Città: ROMA
    Età: 30
    00 07/07/2013 00:24
    grazie era il codice che cercavo, anche se a modo mio sono riuscito a risolvere il problema.
    Ho sconfitto l'armata assediante con 3 elefanti per poi dare il colpo di grazia ai castigliani, dopo 2 turni Santiago diventa ribelle e se la prendono i Portoghesi.
    Adesso sono in guerra contro i Mori, ma era da tempo che dovevo dichiarargli guerra(è da 30 turni che avevano una piccola armata a Cagliari con tante navi nella zona), per non parlare dei Portoghesi che sono diventati vassalli dei Mori e degli Aragonesi che hanno perso la Navarra e Valencia ed intanto i Magiari mi hanno assaltato Vienna, morale della favola: i Mori non hanno più una nave in tutto il Mediterraneo ed i Magiari in pochi turni hanno perso Pest, Pecs, Soli e Zagabria, per non parlare dell'assedio ad Orsova.
    Le casse si stanno svuotando velocemente, come conquisto anche Orsova, Arad, Ungvar e Regen potrò pensare all'economia e poi alla conquista della Spagna, prima o poi l'Europa sarà mia.
    Post: 2.335
    Registrato il: 17/05/2010
    Città: NAPOLI
    Età: 43
    00 07/07/2013 01:58
    ma dove si possono trovare i codici?
    Post: 1.433
    Registrato il: 06/04/2011
    Città: ROMA
    Età: 30
    00 08/07/2013 14:06
    in genere su internet, non ci sono tutti ma solo quelli più utilizzati per esempio:
    togliere la nebbia da guerra(toggle_fow);
    aumentare/diminuire i soldi (es: add_money 25000/-25000)
    questo trucco lo si può fare anche sulle fazioni IA (add_money HRE 4000/-4000) mi sembra che sia così;
    costruzione automatica (process_cq nome insediamento);
    reclutamento automatico (process_rq nome insediamento) ecc....
    Post: 817
    Registrato il: 27/08/2011
    00 08/07/2013 14:22
    Preso da TWC (è in inglese, ma credo si capisca):

    Here's some nice clues about console commands. Most of this text is laboriously copied and pasted from the kingdoms.exe:

    add_money : adds an amount of money to a faction's coffers, can be negative, default is player faction
    add_population : adds an amount of population to a settlement, can be negative
    move_character , : moves named character to position on campaign map
    auto_win : the attacker or defender wins the next autoresolved battle
    create_unit : creates one or more units of the specified type
    toggle_fow : toggles the fog of war on or off
    banana_republic : all player generals gain an interesting ability
    toggle_restrictcam : toggles camera restrictions on or off
    save_battle_replay : saves battle replay in file replays/.rpy
    give_ancillary : gives the character an ancillary
    remove_ancillary : removes ancillary from the character an ancillary (default = all)
    give_trait : gives the character a trait at level (default = level 1)
    remove_trait : removes a specified trait from the character (default = all)
    disable_vnvs = true/false: toggles whether to disable game applying traits and attributes
    process_cq : Completes all (possible) construction pending in queue
    character_reset : resets the character back to it's start of turn settings
    show_cursorstat : shows the cursor position and region id
    toggle_terrain : toggles the terrain to display various data sets, no param resets to normal
    write_ui_cache: writes out the ui texture cache to disk
    give_trait_points : gives the character points for trait
    list_traits : lists all the available traits
    list_ancillaries : lists all the available ancillaries
    mp : gives the character movement points
    list_characters : lists all the characters in the world or those belonging to a faction
    show_landings : shows the landing positions available to the ai from a given region, default hides them
    filter_coastlines : applies filter to world map coastlines
    toggle_coastlines : toggles strategy map coastline display
    set_building_health : sets health of a building of the specified type (eg core_building) in a settlement, so that the final health percentage is as specified; for building chains see export_descr_building.txt
    ai_turn_speed : sets the maximum speed of turn processing during the ai round
    amdb_min : sets aerial map overlay depth bias for min zoom
    amdb_max : sets aerial map overlay depth bias for max zoom
    amdb_offset : sets aerial map overlay offset towards camera
    zoom : zooms to specified aerial map zoom
    set_ranking_interval : sets the denominator of the faction ranking graph interval which is calculated as (number_of_turns / denominator). If set to 0, then the denominator will be set to number_of_turns, giving an interval of 1
    regenerate_radar: Does what it says on the tin
    adjust_sea_bed : adjusts whole sea bed to specified height
    reload_shaders : reloads all vertex shaders
    reload_textures : reloads all textures
    toggle_perfect_spy : toggles everyone's spying ability to perfect and infinite range, and off again
    reset_display: Forces a display_close(); display_open() display reset cycle
    process_rq : Completes all (possible) recruitment pending in queue
    force_diplomacy : Forces the negotiator to accept or decline a proposition
    diplomatic_stance : Set the diplomatic stance between the two factions
    invulnerable_general : makes that named general invulnerable in battle
    test_ancillary_localisation : adds all ancillary to the character info displayancillaries aren't actually added to the character
    perf_times : Toggle display of simple performance times of game update vs display
    burn_piggies_burn : ignite all the piggy winks
    Test event movie: test_movie
    reload_movie_db : Reloads movie db
    show_terrain_lines : display defensive terrain features
    message_collation_set : Set the message collation on or off (sets all factions)
    show_all_messages : Show all messages to all factions (on/off)
    clear_messages : Clear all the current stacked messages
    puppify_my_love : Puppy themed GUI
    upgrade_settlement : upgrade settlement level
    toggle_wireframe : Toggle wireframe rendering
    reapply_rigid_model_influence :
    toggle_flowing_water : toggles display of campaign map flowing water
    nw_stats: toggles display of network stats.
    toggle_pr: toggles pr mode.
    list_units : lists all of the units in an army, with details.
    victory : show victory message for faction for short or long campaign.
    trigger_advice [] - triggers an advice thread
    damage_wall : Damage wall of settlement. Forces 40% damage to a random gatehouse and a nearby straight section. Destroys gatehouse if 'gate' parameter present; breaches wall if 'breach' present
    test_victory_scroll : Opens up the victory scroll declaring that the given faction is the victor
    date : changes the campaign date to the given year
    season : changes the campaign season to the given season
    force_battle_victory : forces the local player's alliance to win the battle, completely destroying the enemy alliance or optionally capturing a percentage of the enemy alliance
    force_battle_defeat : forces the local player's alliance to lose the battle, completely destroying the local alliance or optionally capturing a percentage of the local alliance
    output_unit_positions : output the positions of all units in the battle to the specified file : Format:- alliance_index, army_index, unit_index, formation_origin_x, formation_origin_y, rotation_in_degrees, unit_width_in_metres, unit_width_in_men
    zoom_to_unit : zoom the camera to a unit of a specific id
    show_battle_marker : display a marker at (x, y) for t seconds of height h
    show_battle_line : display a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) for t seconds
    show_battle_circle : display a circle at (x, y) of r radius for t seconds
    kill_faction : removes the faction from the game
    diplomacy_mission : creates a diplomacy mission
    event [ ] : creates an event
    kill_character : kills a character with the given name
    control : switches player control to specified faction; old faction may not act correctly as ai faction
    create_building : creates a building of the specified type in a settlement; for building level id's see export_descr_building.txt
    capture_settlement : evicts any resident characters and armies and gives the settlement to the local player
    disable_ai [opt: tac | sub | dip | name | priest]: disables all (default) or part of the ai for all factions
    halt_ai : halts the turn sequence just before the start of the specified faction's turn, or the current faction if no faction given
    run_ai [opt:x]: re-starts an ai turn sequence after disableai or haltai has been triggered; use x to also re-enable all parts of the ai which have been individually disabled
    surrender_regions : gives all this faction's regions to the slaves. "horde" surrenders regions for all factions that can be hordes
    toggle_chat_log : shows or hides the multiplayer chat window
    bounds : toggle display of bounding objects
    lights :
    set_option : Set new value for specified option (use 1 and 0 for boolean options)
    capabilities : list details of the recruitment capabilities of a settlement
    recruitment_pool : list details of the current recruitment pool of a settlement
    diplomacy_costs : displays a list of raw and perceived diplomacy items costs from the perspective of the receiving faction.
    create_mission : Attempt to create and add a mission to the specified faction
    toggle_HUD_mode: switches between full and minimal HUD during a battle.
    print_shortcuts: prints all the keyboard shortcuts for the current handler to documentation/current_handler_shortcuts.txt
    logon : enables console with an admin password
    logoff: logs out administrator to disable console
    clear_password : clears the current password for a specified faction
    set_password : sets a new password for a specified faction
    : sets a new email address for a specified faction
    set_campaign_diff : sets the campaign diffficulty for a specified faction
    bestbuy : sells units cheaper (-20% cost)

    Post: 2.335
    Registrato il: 17/05/2010
    Città: NAPOLI
    Età: 43
    00 08/07/2013 15:56
    credo possano essere un grande strumento per il modding
    [Modificato da Gongo80 08/07/2013 15:56]
    Post: 1.205
    Registrato il: 10/05/2007
    Città: ROMA
    Età: 66
    00 16/07/2013 21:12
    banana_republic merita di essere usato solo per il nome.

    Post: 2.534
    Registrato il: 05/06/2009
    Città: RIETI
    Età: 37
    00 16/07/2013 21:24
    ma ke fa sto banana?? hahahahah mai sentito!
    Post: 2.335
    Registrato il: 17/05/2010
    Città: NAPOLI
    Età: 43
    00 17/07/2013 12:07
    serve quando i tuoi familiari non fanno figli...
    il turno dopo ti trovi con 2 figli in più a coppia
    Barry Lyndon
    Post: 714
    Registrato il: 30/09/2010
    00 17/07/2013 12:38
    quanti trucchi...
    Barry Lyndon
    Post: 714
    Registrato il: 30/09/2010
    00 17/07/2013 12:39
    franky317, 16/07/2013 21:24:

    ma ke fa sto banana?? hahahahah mai sentito!

    fa diventare tutti i tuoi generali delle banane, e il capofazione un bananone :D
    The Housekeeper
    Post: 21.194
    Registrato il: 10/02/2007

    00 17/07/2013 13:01

    C'è una sezione apposita