VASLeague 2019

00mercoledì 13 febbraio 2019 17:06
allora, come avevo già accennato ad alcuni, risolti i problemi che mi avevano momentaneamente allontanato dall'ASL, posso riprendere in mano la VASLeague.
Conto di potere cavamerla da solo come negli ultimi 12 anni, ma stavolta sarò pronto a chiedere aiuto nel caso dovesse servire.

Per intanto accade che per la prima volta dal 2007 la VASLeague inizia non il 1 gennaio ma il 1 marzo. E' l'unico disagio che si trascina via questo pazzo 2018 ove da agosto e fino ad oggi ho fatto soltanto le due partite di torneo, totalizzando il minimo storico di partite di un anno (soltanto 22 !)

i tempi dei round saranno diversamente scanditi rispetto al passato, per quest'anno soltanto, e precisamente:

round 1 : 1 March - 15 April
round 2 : 16 April - 30 June
round 3 : 1 July - 31 - August
round 4 : 1 September - 15 October
round 5 : 16 October - 30 November
(quinto round previsto per la TOP VASLeague e la Second Line League soltanto)

sul forum GS ce'è già il regolamento 2019, e tra poco lo metterò anche sul sito della VASLeague con tutti i risultati e le classifiche finali sulle quali sto lavorando

per intanto esorto i nuovi giocatori e quelli vecchi che per un motivo o un altro non risultano più nella lista dei partecipanti, ad iscriversi per provare a giocare partendo dalla Second Line League. C'è tempo fino al 20 febbraio per iscriversi mandando semplicemente una email a

ringrazio tutti coloro che mi hanno supportato; anche se assente di tanto in tanto venivo a sbirciare, qui e sulle pagine di FB.

00giovedì 14 febbraio 2019 15:58
pubblico per vostra comodità anche qui il regolamento del torneo 2019:

VASLeague 2019 is an individual ASL tourney, now at its 13 th edition, played mainly via internet with the following rules

1. General Rules
1.1 The Swiss System is used for pairings and classification.
1.12 There are 5 rounds of 45-60 days of duration each, beginning on 1st March 2019 .
In detail:
round 1 : 1 March - 15 April
round 2 : 16 April - 30 June
round 3 : 1 July - 31 - August
round 4 : 1 September - 15 October
round 5 : 16 October - 30 November (for TOP VASLeague and Second Line League only)

1.2 If any league has less than 17 players there are only four rounds. The fourth and last round, in this case, is a three-months round, starting on 1 September and ending on the 30 November.
1.21 Three points are awarded for a victory and one point for a draw.
1.3 Tiebreaker: If two or more players finish the league with the same number of points, the following cases will be applied in order from a) to e) for determination of final ranking:
1.3 a) Result of the game played by the players with the same number of points (if they are just two and assuming they actually played a game one vs the other);
1.3 b) Best opponents met not counting the worst and the best ( known as : Winged Buholz tiebreaker);
1.3 c) Result of the game played by the players sharing the same tiebreaker number (NA if there are > 2 players with the same number of points per the Winged Buholz tiebreaker above )
1.3 d) Number of the round of the first game lost (the later the better);
1.3 e) A random drawing will be made.

2. No PbeM
2.1 The matches will be played on the VASL server live or face-to-face by default.
2.12 a PBeM game is allowed only if both players agree. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please don’t subscribe if you already know you cannot guarantee in the two months limit (60 days) enough time to play even a small or medium sized ASL scenario live on VASL !
2.13 Delayed Notes
2.131 Players are suggested to extensively use the “delayed” notes VASL tool to record HIPs, Fortifications, Covered Arcs, Spotters, CE status, Pre-Registered hexes, and so on.
2.14 Web Dice
2.140 The use of the dice coming with the VASL module is mandatory.
2.141 Any other system to roll dice, as for example the use of real dice – instead of a dicebot – rolled in front of a web cam is allowed only of both players agree.
2.2 Scenarios and sides are freely chosen by the players, balances included. Any scenario may be chosen [EXC: SK scenarios are NA]. It is strongly recommended to choose scenarios according to the time and the experience both players have. If no agreement is reached the TD will contact both players and choose the scenario drawing the sides.
2.22 Players are not allowed to play twice the same scenario during the tournament, even switching sides.
2.23 If a scenario will not be finished by the scheduled period and the players are unable to decide an outcome (a winning or a draw), the TD will determine the final result helped by two judges (see below). If the number of turns played is less than half the total scenario turns (FRU) the game is lost for both players.
2.3 Players are kindly requested to find an agreement on the result of the game and ask for the judge decision only if any agreement is impossible.
2.4 The player who is mainly responsible for the missed game or for a delay that makes impossible to end the scenario in time should admit his fault giving the win to the opponent.
2.5 If the players are unable to agree on who is the (main) responsible, both loses the game unless the TD has a clear evidence that a player is the main responsible.
2.6 Please note that no investigation is possible on the reasons of the delay even if asked or requested to the TD.
2.7 The deadline is not flexible. No game is allowed beyond the deadline scheduled for the round. This applies also in the last round.
3. TD and Judges
3.1 The TD is Enrico Catanzaro (ecz on the Gamesquad forum).
3.2 There is a “Judge Crew” of volunteers of proved VASL/ASL experience that will decide the scenarios not ended by the deadline. The Crew is formed by notable and experienced players not involved in the same League of the game under adjudication.
3.3 Judges should be able to give their vote in no more than 36 hours seeing the last VASL screenshot position of the game.
3.31 Players are allowed to send the Judges a brief comment to explain their plans for the endgame.
3.32 The TD will chose the two Judges among the Judge Crew trying to rotate the Judges to not overwhelm of work anyone.
3.33 If a game has been judged in opposite ways by the two Judges, then the TD will decide.

4. Subscription and format
4.1 For season 2019, 32 players have conquered or maintained the right to play in the TOP VASLeague ; they will participate in the TOP VASLeague 2019 and will play for the title. All other players are placed in the non-TOP (Regional) Leagues and in the Second Line League (see below).
4.21 The TD will try to form the “non TOP” Leagues according the preferences of the players and their respective Time Zones to make easy the live play.
4.22 All players not cancelled in 2019 (i.e. in play after the last round of past season) are automatically signed for 2020; there is no need of a formal subscription.
4.223 Players relegated from the TOP VASLeague should indicate their respective Time Zones.
4.224 In 2019 there are three "non -TOP" leagues: European/Oceanian League (European + Australian/Oceanian Players) -US/Can East League (East Coast players) -US/Can West League (Central and West Coast players) plus the "Second Line League" (see below)
4.3 The registration started on November 1st closes on February 20th 2019. On February 28th, 2019 there will be a draw for the first round and from March 1st, 2019 all matches may start.
4.4 With the registration all players accept these rules and give automatically to the TD the permission to send and share their email addresses to all other VASLeaguers for tournament purpose. If you want keep private your personal email, please create an “ad hoc” email for the tournament.

5. Promotion and relegation for 2019
5.1 In 2019 the TOP VASLeague has 32 players. This is the number of players scheduled also for 2020 season. At the end of the 2019 season the last six players of the TOP VASLeague table will be relegated to the other non-TOP leagues and equally divided among them in the most logical way according Time Zones of : European/Oceanian League, East League and West Central League. Conversely the best six players of the said leagues (two from each one) will be promoted in the TOP VASLeague. Note that temporarily one Regional league could have more than 16 players if more than 2 players come from the TOP VASLeague in the previous year and there are no forfeits in the receiving Regional League. In this case the number of players leaving the league and going to the Second Level in the following season is accordingly adjusted (increased) to have again 16 players the following year.
5.11 Starting from season 2016 European/Oceanian League and East League have 16 players each and thus four rounds only. The West Central League, given the apparent shortage of VASL players in this region, has 12 players only. These three regional leagues have scheduled only for four rounds.
5.112 More promotions are allowed if there are more than six players leaving the TOP VASLeague (for example for cancellation). The extra promotions are shared equally among the other leagues. Extra-promoted players are selected using rule 1.3.
5.12 No promotion is mandatory. Any player could decide to stay in his current league rather than be promoted to the TOP VASLeague giving automatically the player below him in the table his right. In fact non -TOP leagues are “Regional/Local” and gather players with a close Time Zone (Ex: Australian/ Oceanian Players are added in the European League), while the TOP VASLeague gathers the better players from all the world no matter their Time Zone.
5.3 New players, as well as those cancelled due to (multiple) forfeits, begins or restart, from the new Second Line League [EXC : Returning players, see below 5.31]
5.31 Returning players. The TD can allow to players who have played at least five years in the TOP VASLeague or have won the main event at least once and were not participant at the last season, to re-join VASLeague ignoring the Second Line League. They will take the place of an Cancelled player in the TOP VASLeague or in any Regional League. This happens only if in the said league there are “extra” relegations that should instead allow more promotions.

5.4 Second Line League.
To have less forfeit and an higher percentage of game played, all non-TOP leagues have, as said above, only 16 players. So all new players signing for 2019, all players cancelled in 2018 and returning in 2019 or classified in the last two spots in any non -TOP League, will join the Second Line League. This League could have any number of players and gathers players from all the Time Zones. At the end of the season the best two players picked from the three time zones matching the non-TOP (regional) Leagues, will gain the promotion to the respective non-TOP (regional) League. More promotions are possible if there are more than two players relegated and/or cancelled in a superior League or, for whatever reason, there are more empty spots to fill.

The Scheme for VASLeague in 2019 and following years:
TOP VASLeague (32 players, coming from all TZs); the winner is the TOP VASL player of the year! Six players at the bottom of the table and/or cancelled are relegated to:
-> European/Oceanian League ( 16 players from Europe & Oceania TZs) the best two players are promoted to the TOP VASLeague; two players at the bottom and/or those cancelled are relegated to the Second Line League
-> East League (16 players from Canada and US East TZ) the best two players are promoted to the TOP VASLeague; two players at the bottom and/or those cancelled are relegated to the Second Line League
-> West -Central League ( 12 players from Canada and US Central and West TZ) the best two players are promoted to the TOP VASLeague; the two players at the bottom and/or those cancelled are relegated to the Second Line League.
at a level below there is the:
Second Line League (it gathers any number of players from any TZ: all new players, all cancelled players that subscribe again, all players relegated from European, East, or West-Central League).

The best two players picked from any TZ are promoted to one League above. More promotions are possible to fill a gap in any of the three above Leagues if two promotions per TZ are not enough to fill the ranks.

6. Abandoning
6.1 We aim to have a VASLeague full of *dedicated players*. Thus no player can win any League or simply be promoted to an higher level if has even a single forfeit in any of the rounds.
6.2 If a player forfeits two matches he is immediately cancelled from that league and relegated at the bottom of his League. That player will restart from the Second Line League if he will register again.

6.2.1 A forfeited game is a game not played at all. An interrupted game or a game not finished in time as well an early resign after the game has just started is treated simply as a lost game.
6.3. The last active player of a table, if odd for a previous cancellation, gains an automatic “Bye” against a “dummy” player. Nobody in a tourney can gain more than one “Bye”.
6.4 Past experience shows that people forfeiting their very first round usually forfeits another round thus becoming cancelled from the tournament. For this reason, a player who forfeits his FIRST round is immediately cancelled (no reason to wait a second forfeit that happens 95% of the time). Exception: A single forfeit in any round in the Second Line League ALWAYS causes immediate cancellation.
6.5 We hope that in a couple of years all the best/more motivated and constant players of the world will occupy the Top VASLeague or the other non TOP leagues, while the new Second Line League works as a filter for those that aim to gain access to the higher level, but must first pass a difficult stage beating VASL players of any kind, skill level, and VASL-attitude/experience, so showing a (eventually renewed) constant interest toward this side of the hobby.

7. Prizes
7.1 For 2019, we are waiting a motivated sponsor. Everyone may add new prizes for specific spots or achievements in the various leagues.
7.2 Registration is free of charge.
Please write to for questions and clarifications.
Have fun!

The VASLeague TD, February 2019
00giovedì 14 febbraio 2019 16:04
sempre per vostra comodità indicherò di seguito il "current roster" dei giocatori attualmente partecipanti torneo.

c'è tempo fino al 20 febbraio per iscriversi. Presto metterò anche un annuncio sulle pagine di FB dedicate al VASL/ASL e su BGG

occorre scrivere a specificando nome cognome e localizzazione geografica ai fini di individuare la "time zone" di appartenenza che è un dato di rilevo per ottenere la promozione al livello superiore.

00venerdì 15 febbraio 2019 16:55
lista giocatori VASLeague 2019
TOP VASLeague 2019 (32)

203 Rich Domovic US cen
133 Paul Chamberland US east
44 Michael Klaukty US east
62 Carl Nogueira US east
11 Jon Cole Aus
222 François Boudrenghien Fr
13 Enrico Catanzaro It
47 Paul Lauger US
7 Andrea Pagni It
247 Aaron Cleavin Aus
277 Jeff Wasserman US East
50 Ed Beekman US Cen
210 Paolo Cariolato It
275 Vic Rosso US East
220 Alex Koestler Ne
299 Robert Loper US east
45 Brian Roundhill US Cen
115 Kenneth Young Can east
318 John Bays US East
140 Laurent Tinture Fr
15 Brian Wiersma US east
271 Nathan Stapf US Cen
89 Craig Houliston US Cen
298 Brian Routh US Cen
268 Darryl Lundy NZ
135 Peter Martin Vicca Sco
201 Mike Augustine US east
272 Paul Schaeffer US East
60 Doyle T. Motes US central
297 Charles Hammond US Cen
9 David Perham US west
320 Marc Hanna US

European/ Oceanian League (16)

199 Will Fleming Europe/Japan
123 Alessandro Coriasco It
35 Toze Santos Por
273 Martì Cabré Sp
184 Leonardo Conforti It
300 Ivan Kent Aus
130 Santiago Penabella Sp
345 Lars-Peder Jensen Den
83 Stefano Isella It
345 Sebastiano Caltabiano It
334 Bjorn Lorenzen DE
150 Chris Mazzei CH
166 Chris Hofland Ne
218 Eoin Corrigan Ire
378 Lionel Colin Fra
81 Joe Moro Aus

US/CAN East League (16)

309 Jean F.Fortin Can East
296 Patrick Palma US East
316 Jason Wert US East
80 Jim Taylor US East
56 Damon Norko US east
289 Will Willow US east
329 Jack Boyle US East
312 Mark Watson US East
310 Jeff Buser US East
340 James Fardette US east
48 Rob Arrieta US east
257 Pablo Garcia-Silva US East
288 Ken Dunn US East
324 Chris Chapman US East
98 Bruce Childs US east
269 David Langer US East

US/CAN Central -West League (12)

82 David Rosner US west
290 John Lehman US West
254 Steffen Knippel Can West/Cen
319 Bob Zinselmeyer US Cen
85 Jason Burnette US Central
330 David Haasl US West
61 Larry Rohlfing US west
67 Stewart King US west
348 Robert Oler US cen
217 Robert Feinstein US west
374 Ramon Weston US Central
385 Rick Galli US Central

Second Line League, al momento 50 giocatori

346 Kris Koch De
121 Steve Cummings US west
226 Andy Beaton Can east
6 Pierce Mason US east
332 Magnus Rimwall Swe
337 David Garvin US east
342 Tobias Deissler DE
344 Jay Dragonetti US east
110 Chuck Tewksbury US east
335 Mika Harviala US east
349 Luca Martini It/Aus
351 Andrew Goldin US East
353 Joseph Vennarucci US west
145 Laurent Le Billan Fr
355 Gary Bartlett US east
358 Kevin Russell US east
359 Steve Anderson US east
361 Alan Krause US West
63 Don Holland US east
362 Jim Bellini US Cen
363 Andy Riemer Ge
365 Jonathan Kapleau US East
367 Al Nikolov Fin
370 Todd Rezack US West
185 Dan Cunningham US east
260 Adam Lunney Aus
375 Ketil Høgenhaug Den
377 Steve Bond Aus
379 Roy Connely US Central
380 Felipe Zavala US west
382 Jim Hunter US East
388 Grassi Maurizio ITA (US EAST)
389 Ernie Cameron Can
74 John Bock US Central
391 Kåre Cumberland Jacobsen Den
392 Simon Staniforth US east
308 Lee Hyde Sellars UK
391 Rusty Shield US east
336 Albert Kirkpatrick US US East
356 Dirk Beijaard Ne
280 Santiago Lopez Barba Sp
376 Pieter Van Innis Bel
4 Roberto Alesse It
314 Jim Traver US East
393 Massimiliano Colosimo It
394 Ulric Schwela Fin
366 Robert Tyson US east
395 Lawrence Flaherty US east
396 Francesco Isabella It
282 Scott Holst US East

c'è tempo fino al 20 febbraio per iscriversi alla Second Line League
00domenica 3 marzo 2019 15:17
round 1
ecco il round 1 della VASLeague che termina il 15 aprile!


BEEKMAN edward vs LAUGER paul
ROUTH brian vs MOTES doyle
HOULISTON craig vs PERHAM dave
CLEAVIN aaron vs VICCA martin
KOESTLER alex vs YOUNG kenneth
HANNA marc vs LOPER robert
BAYS john vs BOUDRENGHIEN françois
BOYLE jack vs PAGNI andrea
WASSERMAN jeff vs HAMMOND charles
ROSSO vic vs STAPF nathan
DOMOVIC rich vs COLE jon
LUNDY darryl vs CARIOLATO paolo

Europe/Oceanian League
CORIASCO sandro vs CABRÉ marti
FLEMING will vs TOZE santos
CONFORTI leonardo vs CALTABIANO alessandro
JENSEN lars peder vs LORENZEN bjoern
MORO joe vs MAZZEI chris
CORRIGAN eoin vs HOFLAND chris
DEISSLER tobias vs COLIN lionel
ISELLA stefano vs PENABELLA santiago

US/Can East League
WATSON mark vs FARDETTE james
CHAPMAN chris vs GOLDIN andrew
WERT jason vs DUNN ken
WILLOW will vs BUSER jeff
CHILDS bruce vs TAYLOR jim
PALMA patrick vs LANGER david

US/Can West Central League
OLER robert vs KNIPPEL steffen
ZINSELMEYER robert vs GALLI rick
LEHMAN john vs KING stewart
BURNETTE jason vs ROHLFING larry
ROSNER david vs WESTON ramon
FEINSTEIN robert vs HAASL david

Second Line League Round 1
DYE charles vs TRAVER jim
TREBOSC Francois vs SHIELDS Rusty
MØLLER uffe vs RUSSELL kevin
MASON pierce vs ROGNEHOLT peter
JOHNSON Eben vs ZAVALA felipe
JAVANABAL Radiah vs COLOSIMO Massimiliano
ANDERSON steve vs KOCH kris
LE BILLAN laurent vs GLANZ Kai
ISABELLA Francesco vs KÅRE Cumberland Jacobsen
PRIOR sam vs WORREL Steve
RETAMERO fermin vs GRASSI Maurizio
KRAUSE alan vs BOCK john
HUNTER jim vs REZACK todd
HYDE lee vs BELLINI jim
HOLST scott vs HARVIALA mika
VAN INNIS pieter vs BEIJARD dirk
ALESSE roberto vs BEATON andy
KNOTT kenneth vs TEWKSBURY chuck
SCHWELA ulric vs BARTLETT gary
GARVIN david vs NIKOLOV al
RIMWALL magnus vs BOND steve
RIEMER andy vs LOPEZ BARBA santiago
MARTINI luca vs KAPLEAU jonathan
TYSON robert vs DUBUIS Brian
FLAHERTY Lawrence vs CUMMINGS steve
CONNELLY roy vs bye
Paolo Cariolato
00venerdì 8 marzo 2019 11:14
Per i giocatori della SECOND LINE LEAGUE

Finora abbiamo ricevuto solo l'indicazione di 3 scenari sulle 30 partite che si devono giocare, nessuno da parte di giocatori italiani.

Se avete già scelto scenario e cominciato a giocare tutto bene, anche se sarebbe cortese da parte vostra comunicarcelo all'indirizzo della SLL se invece non siete ancora in contatto con il vostro avversario vedete di farlo al più presto, il 15 aprile è vicino e la scadenza non sarà prorogata.

tirate basso.
00venerdì 8 marzo 2019 13:51
Oh comunque io mi chiamo Sebastiano non Alessandro!!

Altra cosa.... dove si trovano le email per contattare gli altri?
00venerdì 8 marzo 2019 16:34
scusa per l'errore, ma perché non lo facevi notare prima?

per le email degli avversari ti ho mandato il 28.2.2019 alle ore 20.04 un messaggio con allegato il file con tutti gli indirizzi, vedi se lo recuperi, altrimenti te lo rimando

00venerdì 8 marzo 2019 23:15
te l'ho detto anche l'altr'anno e tu l'avevi già corretto poi non so perchè quest'anno si ripresenta
00sabato 9 marzo 2019 12:48
chiaramente colpa di chi gestisce il Caesar! 😜😈👿
00sabato 9 marzo 2019 22:59
sebosebi, 08/03/2019 23.15:

te l'ho detto anche l'altr'anno e tu l'avevi già corretto poi non so perchè quest'anno si ripresenta

Ma sei proprio sicuro?
00domenica 10 marzo 2019 00:56
Tratto da email del 31/12/2017

European/Oceanian League Round 1
HANNA marc vs KENT ivan
VICCA martin vs LORENZEN bjoern
CORIASCO sandro vs CALTABIANO sebastiano
JENSEN lars peder vs FLEMING will
MARTINEZ juanjo vs CONFORTI leonardo
KOCH kris vs LUNDY darryl
CABRÉ marti vs TOZE santos
ISELLA stefano vs PENABELLA santiago

Tratto da email del 11/09/2017

Round 5 Second Line League

VICCA martin vs DYE charles
ISELLA stefano vs OLER robert
KING stewart vs BUSER jeff
CHILDS bruce vs KOCK kris
LORENZEN bjoern vs DEISSLER tobias
CALTABIANO alessandro vs GOLDIN andrew
RIMWALL magnus vs MASON pierce
MARTINI luca vs BEATON andy
TEWKSBURY chuck vs ALESSE roberto
TROUT chris vs DELAURA norman
MORO joe vs KEHRER jordan
DEMPSEY jack vs GARVIN david
GRIFFA alberto vs DUMMY player
00domenica 10 marzo 2019 01:02
No, intendevo se sei sicuro di chiamarti Sebastiano. 😋
00domenica 10 marzo 2019 12:17
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