Dark Sun - Personaggi (definitivi)

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00sabato 3 settembre 2005 17:35
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Qui ci mettiamo i PG finiti e basta. Per goni commento domanada o altro usiamo l'altro topic, altrimenti per ritrovare un PG bisogna sfogliarsi tutto il topic ... è non è bello [SM=x727740]

[Modificato da Il Maledetto 17/09/2005 13.13]

00sabato 3 settembre 2005 17:36
Yechezkel (Stauro) 200 pts

Build: Height 45"; Weight 58 lbs; Age 50; SM-2

ST 6 [-20]; DX 13 [40]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 10 [0]

Secondary Characteristics:
HP 6 [0]; FP 13 [9]; Will 15 [-5]; Per 11 [-15]; Speed 6 [-15]; Move 5 [0]

Social Background:
Halfling (Spoken/Native) [0]; - Halfling (Written/None); Common (Spoken/Accented) [2]; Human Culture Familiarity [1]

Wealth & Influence:
Status -2 (Slave) [-10]; Wealth 0 [0]

Friends & Foes:
Patron (Templar Malakay; Power +150%; Freq. 12, x2; Equipment +50%; Minimal Intervention -50%) [20]

Advantages & Perks:
Racial Template (Halfling) [52]
- Extended Lifespan 1
- Hard to kill 4
- Silence 4
- Fearlessness 2
- Appearance never change while character ages

- Synaptic Static (U) [12]
- Clairsentience (U) [10]
- Farsight (U) [10]
- Danger Sence (U) [8]
- Domination (U) [10]
- Psionic Blast 2 (U) [8]
- ID Insinuation (U) [15]
- Ego Wip (U) [10]

Disadvantage & Quirks:
- Appearance (Ugly, Not to Own Kind -25%)
- Courious (SC 12)
- Oblivious (No penalties to resist -50%)
- Odious Racial Habit (Eats sapient beings, -3 reaction; Only in absence of other edible food -30%)

- Blindness (impaired by precognition) [0]
- Disturbing Voice [-10]
- Insomniac (Mild) [-10]
- Bad temper (SC 9) [-15]
- Obsession (Fullfill his visions with the rise of the ....) (SC 12) [-10]

- Cassandra (some suspicious or supersticious peoples dislike your behaviors, -1 reaction) [-1]
- Dislikes jokes about his height (-1 SC bad temper) [-1]
- Likes high places [-1]
- Humble

Skills & Tecniques:
- Autohypnosis (H) Will 15 [4]
- Public Speaking (A) IQ+1 15 [4]
- Meditation (H) Will 15 [4]

- Survival (Desert) (A) Per 11 [2]
- Survival (Forest & Mountain) (A) Per+2 13
- Stealth (A) DX 13 [2] (+8 if motionless, +4 while moving - Silence)
- Suggest (H) Will-1 14 [2]
- Area Knowledge (Tyr Desert) (E) IQ 14 [1]
- History (H) IQ-1 13 [2]
- Politics (A) IQ 14 [2]
- Geography (Tyr Region) (H) IQ-2 12 [1]
- Throwing Knife (E) DX 15 [1] (+2 as per racial template)
- Tracking (A) Per+2 13
- Innate Attack (2) DX 13 [1]

- Merchant IQ-5 9
- Baton DX-5 8
- Knife DX-4 9
- Gambling IQ-5 9
- Art (Bone cutting) IQ-6 8
- Knot-Tying DX-4 9

NOTA: tutto quello che non ha un costo appartiene al template raziale (ed è cosa diversa dal costare [0])

[Modificato da Dwarfolo 04/09/2005 11.18]

00domenica 4 settembre 2005 10:14
Il Senzanome (per ora ... - Tyler) 200 pts.

Build: Height 69"; Weight 178 lbs; Age 35

ST 14 [30]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 11 [10]

Secondary Characteristics:
HP 18 [6]; FP 13 [6]; Will 12 [5]; Per 11 [0]; Speed 6 [5]; Move 7 [5]

Social Background:
Common (Spoken/Native); Common (Written/None)

Wealth & Influence:
Status -2 (Slave) [-10]; Wealth 0 [0]

Friends & Foes:
Patron (Templar Malakay; Power +150%; Freq. 12, x2; Equipment +50%; Minimal Intervention -50%) [20]

Advantages & Perks:
Racial Template (Human) [7]

- Mental Barrier 2 (U) [6]
- Synaptic Static (U) [12]
- Body Weaponry (U) [6]

- High Pain Treshold [10]
- Combat Reflex [15]
- Hard to Kill 1 [2]
- Temperature tolerance 1 [1]

- Alchool Tolerance [1]

Disadvantage & Quirks:
- One Eye (-1 to DX in combat and other skills which require hand-eye coordination, -3 ranged attacks) [-15]
- Sadism (SC 15) [-7]
- Callous [-5]
- Bad Temper (SC 6) [-20]
- Night Blindness [-10]
- Selflish [-5]

- Uncongenial [-1]
- Chauvinistic [-1]
- Showoff (minor overconfidence) [-1]

Skills & Tecniques:
- Wrestling (A) DX+2 14 [8] (-1 One Eye)
- Choke Hold (H) Wrestling 14 [4]
- Arm Lock (A) Wrestling+4 18 [4]
- Mace (A) DX+2 14 [8] (-1 One Eye)
- Fast-Talk (A) IQ+2 13 [8]

- Shield (E) DX+1 14 [2]
- Knife (E) DX+2 14 [4] (-1 One Eye)
- Throwing Knife (E) DX 10 [1] (-3 One Eye)
- Survival (Desert) (A) Per 11 [2]
- Urban Survival (A) Per 11 [2]
- Lifting (A) HT 11 [2]
- Streetwise (A) IQ 11 [2]
- Jumping (E) DX 13 [1]

- Bow DX-5 8
- Climbing DX-5 8
- Interrogation IQ-5 6
- Intimidation Will-5 7
- Public speaking IQ-5 6
- Knot-Tying DX-4 9

NOTA: tutto quello che non ha un costo appartiene al template raziale (ed è cosa diversa dal costare [0])

[Modificato da Dwarfolo 04/09/2005 14.55]

00domenica 4 settembre 2005 13:02
Cor (DragoRinato) 200 pts.

Build: Height 148"; Weight 1512 lbs; Age 23; SM+2

ST 28 [24] (-20% for SM+2); DX 10 [0]; IQ 8 [0]; HT 11 [10]

Secondary Characteristics:
HP 40 [10] (-20% for SM+2); FP 13 [6]; Will 8 [0]; Per 10 [10]; Speed 5.25 [0]; Move 8 [-5]

Social Background:
Common (Spoken/Native); Common (Written/None); Cultural Adptability

Wealth & Influence:
Status -2 (Slave) [-10]; Wealth 0 [0]

Friends & Foes:
Patron (Templar Malakay; Power +150%; Freq. 12, x2; Equipment +50%; Minimal Intervention -50%) [20]
Enemies (Recaptured Slave; Same power 100% than the PC; Want to kill you, x1; Frq. 12 x2) [-20]

Advantages & Perks:
Racial Template (Half-Giant) [69]
- Fit

- Mental Barrier 3 (U) [9]
- Biofeedback 1 [3]
- Flesh Armor 4 [4]

- Outdoorsman 1 [10]
- Combat Reflex [15]

Disadvantage & Quirks:
- Increased Consumption 2
- Appearance (Ugly, Not to Own Kind -25%)
- Split Personality (SC 12)

- Curious (SC 6) [-10]
- Stubborness [-5]
- Laziness [-10]
- Bad Temper (SC 15) [-5]
- Berserk (SC 12) [-10]
- Bloodlust (SC 15) [-5]

- Easy to Read [-10]

- Dull
- Imitative
- Optimistic [-1]
- Imaginative [-1]

Skills & Tecniques:
- Survival (Desert) (A) Per+3 14 [12] (+1 Outdoorsman)
- Area Knowledge (Tyr desert) (E) IQ+4 13 [12] (+1 Outdoorsman)

- Streetwise (A) IQ+1 9 [4]
- Impaler (A) DX+2 12 [8]
- Brawling (E) DX+2 12 [4]
- Tracking (A) Per+1 12 [4] (+1 Outdoorsman)
- Hiking (A) HT+1 12 [4]
- Intimidation (A) Will+1 9 [4] (Relative Size modifier)
- Interrogation (A) IQ+1 9 [4]
- Knot-Tying (E) DX+2 12 [4]
- Throwing (A) DX+1 11 [4]
- Detect Lies (H) Per 10 [4]
- Art (Bone cutting) (H) IQ-1 7 [2]
- Shadowing (A) IQ 8 [2] (Relative Size modifier)

- Observation Per-5 5
- Sewing DX-4 7
- Gambling IQ-5 3

NOTA: tutto quello che non ha un costo appartiene al template raziale (ed è cosa diversa dal costare [0])

[Modificato da Dwarfolo 05/09/2005 20.29]

[Modificato da DragoRinato 14/09/2005 21.11]

00domenica 4 settembre 2005 18:01
Bayezid, figlio di Enkidu, figlio di Cem (LordCasbah) 200 pts.

Build: Height 66"; Weight 134 lbs; Age 23

ST 10 [-10]; DX 14 [80]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 12 [20]

Secondary Characteristics:
HP 14 [8]; FP 12 [0]; Will 11 [5]; Per 14 [20]; Speed 6 [-10]; Move 6 [0]

Social Background:
Common (Spoken/Native); Common (Written/None); Appearance (Attractive) [4]

Wealth & Influence:
Status -2 (Slave) [-10]; Wealth 0 [0]

Friends & Foes:
Patron (Templar Malakay; Power +150%; Freq. 12, x2; Equipment +50%; Minimal Intervention -50%) [20]

Advantages & Perks:
Racial Template (Human) [7]

- Synaptic Static (U) [12]
- Danger Sense (U) [8]
- Clairsentience (U) [10]

- Absolute Direction [5]
- Absolute Timing [2]
- Eidetic Memory [5]
- High Pain Treshold [10]
- Hard to Kill 1 [2]

Disadvantage & Quirks:
- Stubborness [-5]
- Callous [-5]
- Lacherousness (SC 9) [-22]
- Delusion (Believes to have high temperature tolerance an to be a gifted artist) [-10]

- Attentive [-1]
- Optimistic [-1]
- Dull [-1]

Skills & Tecniques:
- Tracking (A) Per+3 17 [12]
- Survival (Desert) (A) Per+3 17 [12]

- Knife (E) DX+2 16 [4]
- Stealth (A) DX+1 15 [4]
- Climbing (A) DX+1 15 [4]
- Mace (A) DX+1 15 [4]
- Disguise (A) IQ+1 11 [4]
- Knot-Tying (E) DX+1 15 [2]
- Throwing (A) DX+1 15 [4]
- Observation (A) Per+1 15 [4]
- Brawling (E) DX 14 [1]
- First Aid (E) IQ 10 [1]
- Hiking (A) HT-1 11 [1]

- Cooking IQ-5 5
- Art (Bone cutting) IQ-6 4
- Running HT-5 7
- Leatherworking DX-4 10
- Escape DX-6 8
- Erotic Art DX-5 9
- Music Instrument (Drum) IQ-4 7 (+1 Absolute Timing)
- Animal Handling IQ-5 5
- Riding (Inix) DX-5 9
- Merchant IQ-5 5

NOTA: tutto quello che non ha un costo appartiene al template raziale (ed è cosa diversa dal costare [0])

[Modificato da Dwarfolo 04/09/2005 18.26]

00lunedì 12 settembre 2005 14:03

Mehyra (Maddog) 200 pts.

Build: Height 72"; Weight 112 lbs; Age 24

ST 8 [-20]; DX 12 [20]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 10 [10]

Secondary Characteristics:
HP 9 [0]; FP 14 [12]; Will 13 [0]; Per 10 [-15]; Speed 6 [-10]; Move 7 [-5]

Social Background:
Common (Spoken/Native); Common (Written/Native) [3]; Appearance (Attractive) [4]; Feature: Appear Skinny

Wealth & Influence:
Status -2 (Slave) [-10]; Wealth 0 [0]

Friends & Foes:
Patron (Templar Malakay; Power +150%; Freq. 12, x2; Equipment +50%; Minimal Intervention -50%) [20]
Secret (Preserver; Possible Death; Freq. 6 or less) [-30]

Advantages & Perks:
Racial Template (Elf) [68]
- Perfect Balance
- Infravision
- High Manual Dexterity 1

- Synaptic Static (U) [12]
- Cell Adjustment (U) [12]

- Magery 2 [22]
- Hard to Kill 1 [2]

Disadvantage & Quirks:
- Unfit
- Code of Honor (Elves)

- Impulsiveness (SC 12) [-10]
- Bad Temper (SC 12) [-10]
- Callous [-5]

- Hates Thri-Kreen
- Suspicious
- Proud
- Guilty complex (She murdered her parents) [-1]
- Kinky [-1]
- Egotic [-1]
- Volubile [-1]
- Minor Jealousy [-1]

Skills & Tecniques:
- Innate Attack (E) DX+1 13 [2]
- Preserving (VH) IQ+1 14 [12]
- Meditation (H) Will 13 [4]

- Survival (Desert) (A) Per 10 [2]
- Runnig (A) HT+2 12
- Naturalist (H) IQ-1 12
- Stealth (A) DX 12 [2]
- Rapier (A) DX 14 [2] (+1 Racial Bonus; +1 HMD)
- Sex-Appeal (A) HT 11 [2] (+1 Appearance)
- Poisons (H) IQ-2 11 [1]

- Knot-Tying DX-3 9 (+1 HMD)
- Erotic Art DX-4 8 (+1 Appearance)
- Merchant IQ-3 10 (+2 Racial Bonus)
- Throwing Knife DX-3 9 (+1 HMD)
- Intimidation Will-5 8
- Flight HT-5 5

(All IQ+Magery-3 12 [4])
- Ignite Fire 1
- Create Fire 1
- Shape Fire 1
- Lend Energy 1

(All IQ+Magery-1 14 [24])
- Purify Air
- Shiled
- Sense Foes
- Sense Emotion
- Truthsayer
- Recover Energy

- Haste IQ+Magery 15 [8]

- Fireball IQ+Magery+1 16 [12]

NOTA: tutto quello che non ha un costo appartiene al template raziale (ed è cosa diversa dal costare [0])

[Modificato da Dwarfolo 12/09/2005 17.03]

00lunedì 12 settembre 2005 16:16

Hazur (Maledetto) 200 pts.

Build: Height 67"; Weight 134 lbs; Age 23

ST 11 [0]; DX 14 [80]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 11 [10]

Secondary Characteristics:
HP 13 [4]; FP 11 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 13 [5]; Speed 6.25 [0]; Move 6 [0]

Social Background:
Common (Spoken/Native); Common (Written/None)

Wealth & Influence:
Status -2 (Slave) [-10]; Wealth 0 [0]

Friends & Foes:
Patron (Templar Malakay; Power +150%; Freq. 12, x2; Equipment +50%; Minimal Intervention -50%) [20]

Advantages & Perks:
Racial Template (Human) [7]

- Mental barrier 2 (U) [6]
- Synaptic Static (U) [12]
- Cell Adjustment (U) [12]
- Body Weaponry (U) [6]

- Hard to Kill 1 [2]
- Ambidexterity [5]

Disadvantage & Quirks:
- Clueless [-10]
- Compulsive Lying (SC 9) [-22]
- Kleptomania (SC 9) [-22]

- Distractible [-1]
- Careful [-1]
- Mindless [-1]

Skills & Tecniques:
- Pickpocket (H) DX+1 15 [8]
- Lockpicking (A) IQ+2 14 [8]
- Stealth (A) DX+2 16 [8]

- Survival (Desert) (A) Per 13 [2]
- Breath Control (H) HT 11 [4]
- Brawling (E) DX+1 15 [2]
- Acting (A) IQ+1 13 [4]
- Streetwise (A) IQ 12 [2]
- Disguise (A) IQ 12 [4]
- Shadowing (A) IQ+1 13 [2]
- Fast-Talk (A) IQ 12 [2]
- Merchant (A) IQ 12 [2]
- Sling (H) DX 14 [4]
- Knife (E) DX+1 15 [2]
- Acrobatics (H) DX 14 [4]

- Traps Lockpicking-3 11
- First-Aid IQ-4 8
- Charousing HT-4 7
- Art (Wood cutting) IQ-6 8
- Gambling IQ-5 9

NOTA: tutto quello che non ha un costo appartiene al template raziale (ed è cosa diversa dal costare [0])

[Modificato da Dwarfolo 12/09/2005 17.09]

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