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Cartelle Discussioni Messaggi Ultimo Aggiornamento Moderatori


Sets image for folders with new posts within L'IMPRONTA
lascia qui il segno del tuo passaggio(Saluti e presentazione)
81 456 3/28/2019 6:16 PM
by albert314
Sets image for folders with new posts within L'Angolo Dei Sogni
I nostri sogni,raccontati da noi(reali e virtuali)
61 182 10/6/2019 5:43 PM
by dolcedulcinea
Sets image for folders with new posts within Vacanze,Viaggi,wekend ed'altro Ancora...
Vengono inserite vacanze proprie,viaggi,feste,et tutto cio' che fa relax e gioia.
17 22 4/19/2012 8:55 PM
by @Orchidea@


Sets image for folders with new posts within CUORE DELL'ANGELO
poesie che arrivono...dalla gabbia dell'anima...
1,015 3,461 2/18/2024 11:23 AM
by gioiaedolore
Sets image for folders with new posts within Girotondo di Anime
Poesia (a) piu' mani
65 909 4/21/2018 6:53 PM
by Claudio Cisco
Sets image for folders with new posts within IL TRAPEZIO
piccole poesie che volano
297 1,110 4/22/2018 7:23 AM
by gioiaedolore
Sets image for folders with new posts within IL DOMATORE
poeti famosi
140 297 3/27/2019 12:44 PM
by dolcedulcinea
Sets image for folders with new posts within 11 Secondi
Aforismi sulla vita - vecchi proverbi - detti regionali -ecc...
317 775 11/4/2019 7:38 PM
by dolcedulcinea
Sets image for folders with new posts within VIDEO POESIA
una poesia nel cuore
54 82 8/12/2013 10:35 PM
by gioiaedolore


Cartella nella quale non puoi accedere La TASCA - Culla della Coscienza - (privata)
serbatoio di parole per moderatori Forum
34 279 5/16/2012 7:58 PM
by martee1964
Sets image for folders with new posts within La Bacheca Del Cuore et..Mente
messaggi di vario tipo!!
678 1,901 4/17/2018 6:14 PM
by gioiaedolore
passidibimbo cesare01
Sets image for folders with new posts within LA CELLA
d.i.a.r.i.o - personale -
798 4,024 5/21/2020 7:43 PM
by Claudio Cisco
Sets image for folders with new posts within IL CUBO
contenitore di video
83 126 5/15/2013 2:59 PM
by gioiaedolore


Sets image for folders with new posts within Lettera A ''qualcuno''
Segreti,Ricordi..di ieri-di oggi
122 567 7/25/2016 8:09 AM
by gioiaedolore
Sets image for folders with new posts within LA RETE ( il richiamo )
dediche e ricordi
361 1,063 1/25/2014 10:50 AM
by gioiaedolore
martee1964 cesare01
Sets image for folders with new posts within GRAFFI DI FANTASIA''una moda,uno stile,un carattere
disegni -immagini-poesie-in liberta'consigli
148 588 2/14/2010 9:38 PM
by elfo nero
Sets image for folders with new posts within STORIE PERSONE ...COSE, DA RICORDARE
positivamente - e - non...
140 496 4/12/2013 3:21 PM
by gioiaedolore
Sets image for folders with new posts within LA VITA NELLO SPECCHIO
107 1,184 6/28/2013 11:17 AM
by gioiaedolore
Sets image for folders with new posts within SPORT
Tutto lo sport...Del Mondo
62 80 5/19/2013 10:08 AM
by gioiaedolore


Sets image for folders with new posts within L'EDICOLA di ALBERT
leggetelo,diventerete Amici...!
51 446 4/6/2024 2:25 PM
by albert314
Sets image for folders with new posts within IL CIRCO (l'opinione)
contenitore di notizie da condividere ...!!!
472 1,390 9/29/2013 4:00 PM
by albert314
Sets image for folders with new posts within Modi & Mode
Tendenze Cosmopolite
319 847 4/30/2013 6:03 PM
by martee1964
Sets image for folders with new posts within NOI E GLI ALTRI
Il Forum(LA BOTTEGA Dei SOGNI) risponde ad un problema
96 319 1/22/2010 12:23 PM
by passidibimbo
passidibimbo martee1964
Sets image for folders with new posts within IL GITANO
Bibblioteca,libbri consigliati da noi
109 187 9/28/2010 12:00 PM
by gioiaedolore
Sets image for folders with new posts within Dalla parte degli Animali
281 466 4/10/2012 2:43 PM
by gioiaedolore
Sets image for folders with new posts within Mosaico del pensiero
tutto cio'che si raccoglie dal web
128 262 5/19/2020 10:04 PM
by Claudio Cisco
Sets image for folders with new posts within il Confessionale
Chiacchere (in)compagnia-opinioni-consigli-pettegolezzi-
35 216 4/19/2012 5:47 PM
by gioiaedolore
Sets image for folders with new posts within Storie Della 'Salute' (Vietato in lettuta ai minori)
leggende,omicidi,violenze,horror metropolitano,ecc..ecc..Chiunque entra è responsabile del proprio cuore.
93 170 4/25/2010 12:54 AM
by gioiaedolore
Sets image for folders with new posts within Ultim'Ora(Cronaca)
Tutto quello che succede ...
104 152 12/6/2013 11:24 AM
by gioiaedolore
Sets image for folders with new posts within La nostra storia
la storia siamo noi
25 27 1/20/2010 11:28 PM
by gioiaedolore


Sets image for folders with new posts within LA TORTA
la data del tuo compleanno(FESTEGGEREMO INSIEME)
200 561 9/6/2017 4:21 PM
by gioiaedolore
Sets image for folders with new posts within Ai Piedi Della Croce
Religiosita' et Fede cristiana
1,030 1,309 2/2/2017 10:35 PM
by komasola
Sets image for folders with new posts within C'è un Video per te!
Video con canzoni et frasi d'amore
25 32 4/19/2012 5:57 PM
by gioiaedolore


Sets image for folders with new posts within DISCOVOLANTE
Canzoni,Cantanti,a 33-45-giri
352 849 1/27/2016 9:33 AM
by gioiaedolore
Sets image for folders with new posts within LA SFERA DI CRISTALLO
Oroscopo et Novita'
83 329 12/30/2010 10:55 AM
by martee1964
Sets image for folders with new posts within Cinema
Anteprime e vecchie glorie
186 425 2/13/2010 6:03 PM
by svalvolata17
Sets image for folders with new posts within Cartoon
Video,favole,immagini,canzoncine...ed'altro per i piu' piccini.
19 25 4/19/2012 6:00 PM
by gioiaedolore


Sets image for folders with new posts within PICTURES PER IL FORUM
Immagini free per gli utenti
72 216 4/20/2009 5:25 PM
by svalvolata17
Sets image for folders with new posts within S. O. S. AIUTO !!!!
13 77 3/21/2009 1:11 PM
by passidibimbo
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