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Sets image for folders with new posts within <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Welcome to Garage Island</span>
Presentatevi qui
34 148 5/22/2007 3:38 PM
by bernikuccia
Sets image for folders with new posts within <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Archivi di Garage Island</span>
Le schede dei Personaggi del GdR
4 9 5/11/2005 8:18 PM
by Clea91


Sets image for folders with new posts within <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Anime</span>
Tutto ciò che riguarda l'anime di Rave
2 22 2/17/2007 11:12 PM
by full metal giaco
Sets image for folders with new posts within <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Manga</span>
Tutto ciò che riguarda il manga di Rave
3 226 9/3/2005 6:40 PM
by Darkscyther
Sets image for folders with new posts within <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Immagini</span>
Postate qui tutte le vostre immagini riguardanti Rave
2 214 4/21/2005 5:00 PM
by Miyuki-chan14
Sets image for folders with new posts within <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Fans club</span>
I vostri fans club
1 237 4/29/2005 3:28 PM
by Clea91
Sets image for folders with new posts within <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Fan arts</span>
Le vostre fan arts su Rave
3 45 5/12/2005 10:39 AM
by exceldaria
Sets image for folders with new posts within <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Fan fictions</span>
Le vostre fan fictions su Rave
1 1 5/16/2007 8:09 PM
by bernikuccia


Sets image for folders with new posts within <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Anime</span>
Parlate d tt gli anime ke vi piacciono
1 105 4/22/2005 2:17 PM
by Clea91
Sets image for folders with new posts within <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Manga</span>
Parlate d tt i manga ke vi piacciono
8 153 12/1/2005 10:33 AM
by Miyuki-chan14
Sets image for folders with new posts within <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Immagini</span>
Le immagini dei vostri anime/manga preferiti
2 157 10/31/2005 11:14 PM
by -Hinata-
Sets image for folders with new posts within <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Fans club</span>
I vostri fans club
0 0 3/22/2005 8:23 PM
Sets image for folders with new posts within <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Fan arts</span>
Le vostre fan arts
2 6 6/26/2005 2:41 PM
by Lino18
Sets image for folders with new posts within <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Fan fictions</span>
Le vostre fan fictions
1 1 5/14/2007 4:27 PM
by bernikuccia


Cartella nella quale non puoi accedere <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=0000ff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Haru's Town</span>
I'm a Rave Master!!!
1 2 4/30/2005 6:26 PM
Cartella nella quale non puoi accedere <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=ff00ff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Elie's City</span>
Ehm, scusa, dove sono? Sai, ho perso la memoria...
1 1 3/22/2005 8:05 PM
by Clea91
Cartella nella quale non puoi accedere <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=ffff00, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Musica's Village</span>
Solo per chi vuole diventare un Silver Claymore
1 1 3/22/2005 7:57 PM
by Clea91
Cartella nella quale non puoi accedere <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=00ff00, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Let's Ville</span>
Per chi si sente un Dragon Race
3 233 10/3/2005 1:09 PM
by Lino18
Cartella nella quale non puoi accedere <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=ff0000, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Sieg Hart's Domain</span>
Per i veri Maestri degli Elementi
3 5 5/13/2005 10:27 AM
by elie89
Cartella nella quale non puoi accedere <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=5050ff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Selya's Fountain</span>
Per le vere sirene
0 0 4/28/2005 9:46 AM
Sets image for folders with new posts within <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Rave Bank</span>
Il luogo dove potete conservare i vostri $oldi, non esiste in luogo più sicuro in tutto il continente Song!
4 8 5/11/2005 9:54 PM
by Lino18
Sets image for folders with new posts within <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Experiment Market</span>
Qualunque cosa tu abbia bisogno qui la puoi trovare. Il luogo migliore dove spendere i propri $oldi
0 0 3/28/2005 2:28 PM
Sets image for folders with new posts within <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Sfide</span>
Le sfide tra le case
0 0 3/26/2005 3:00 PM


Sets image for folders with new posts within <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Di tutto e di più...</span>
Divertirsi insieme
14 107 5/20/2009 1:37 PM
by .fgd.
Sets image for folders with new posts within <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Richieste scritte</span>
Qui potete richiedere le vostre scritte, ma prima leggete il regolamento
6 25 5/23/2005 3:46 PM
by elie89
Sets image for folders with new posts within <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Immy con scritte</span>
Le vostre immy preferite con le scritte che più vi piacciono
2 6 4/21/2005 8:40 PM
by Clea91
Cartella nella quale non puoi accedere <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=53b2e1, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: white;font-size:16px;">Zona dell'Hunter</span>
Non riuscite a trovare delle immagini di un particolare Anime o Manga? Non avete tempo da perdere per cercare materiale su qualcosa? Bene, questo è il luogo che fa per voi. L'Hunter è pronto a trovare di tutto. Non siate timidi, chiedete pure
6 61 6/1/2005 1:20 PM
by Lino18
Sets image for folders with new posts within <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">Sondaggi</span>
Proponete il vostro sondaggio
1 3 4/9/2006 7:13 PM
by raelan


Cartella nella quale non puoi accedere <span style="FILTER: Glow (Color=b31cff, Strength=6); width:100%;font-family:Comic Sans MS; color: silver;font-size:16px;">I Guerrieri del Cielo Blu</span>
Un giorno... chissà...
7 157 5/28/2005 6:04 PM
by Lino18
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