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Moderatori: Alonzo Ruppetti
Threads Author Replies Last Update
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit Announcement: Buon Natale! (pages:1 2 )
Elwood Blues 36 2/5/2018 9:43 AM
by 0beron
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit Sticky: [INFO] Progetto PanGURPS Italia e Forum
carraronan 9 12/24/2018 3:50 PM
by swaqny
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit Sticky: [Info] Per un Forum (un pò) più Ordinato... (pages:1 2 )
Alonzo Ruppetti 32 7/22/2005 4:03 PM
by Elwood Blues
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit Ambientazione per GURPS in Italiano: il Mondo di Tellus
Bruce Jago 2 1/6/2016 2:56 PM
by Bruce Jago
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit attacco e difesa in GURPS, sono nuovo
MarcoMarrelli 0 4/2/2013 4:45 PM
by MarcoMarrelli
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit Magic contest (pages:1 2 3 )
0beron 57 12/31/2012 1:18 PM
by 0beron
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit Consigli
Kamaji85 0 8/28/2009 4:20 PM
by Kamaji85
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit gruppi di gurps a napoli? et similia?
Black_Metal_Alchemist 0 6/26/2007 3:41 PM
by Black_Metal_Alchemist
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit [Domande][G4] Vediamo come funziona... (pages:1 2 3 4 5 last )
Alonzo Ruppetti 476 2/12/2007 11:02 AM
by Alonzo Ruppetti
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit Combattimento mon amour (pages:1 2 3 4 5 last )
pkrcel 497 1/27/2007 9:38 PM
by maraichux
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit Resoconto da Lucca
Conte Vlad 77 18 1/8/2007 11:34 AM
by Conte Vlad 77
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit GURPS Powers (pages:1 2 )
sarevok 26 12/4/2006 7:57 PM
by Din-Draug
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit GURPS Lite 4th edition in Italiano!!!
Conte Vlad 77 6 11/6/2006 11:59 AM
by subbuglio
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit GURPS Lex Arcana: Proviamo a inventarcelo?
LastGunslinger 10 11/2/2006 10:50 AM
by pkrcel
Sets icon referred to a Closed Thread (nobody can add replies there) that contains new posts since last visit volevo fare un forum(un gdr) sulle cronache del mondo emerso
ast3r 2 11/1/2006 7:53 PM
by DiablotheTremere
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit GURPS - Cavalieri dello Zodiaco
Tetsuo1980 10 10/31/2006 9:38 AM
by Conte Vlad 77
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit Ventennale di GURPS a LuccaGames!!!
Conte Vlad 77 11 10/31/2006 9:13 AM
by Conte Vlad 77
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit Drop Kick
roland.roland 2 10/30/2006 9:20 PM
by pkrcel
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit GURPS 4° ediz. Ita... i vostri pareri....
LastGunslinger 11 10/27/2006 7:59 PM
by DragoRinato
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit GURPS Star Wars
LastGunslinger 1 10/26/2006 8:31 AM
by Gornova
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit acquistare online GURPS
sarevok 9 10/21/2006 12:27 PM
by DiablotheTremere
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit [Regole] Dubbi e consigli tecnici per novelli giocatori (pages:1 2 3 4 5 last )
Edaon 186 8/9/2006 9:11 PM
by Edaon
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit [Regole - House Rule] Velocità, Movimento e punti fatica
tenkaihen 2 7/19/2006 3:22 PM
by tenkaihen
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit "runaround" attack
roland.roland 2 7/15/2006 6:24 PM
by roland.roland
Sets icon referred to a Closed Thread (nobody can add replies there) that contains new posts since last visit società per traduzione
roland.roland 1 7/1/2006 12:09 AM
by sarevok
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit [REGOLE e STRATEGIE] Strategie Low tech x il combattimento avanzato
tenkaihen 1 6/22/2006 8:57 PM
by sarevok
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit [Regole][G4] LURPS, ovvero GURPS by Luther (pages:1 2 )
LutherBLisset 30 6/14/2006 8:20 PM
by sarevok
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit gurps space bestiary
roland.roland 2 6/11/2006 1:04 PM
by roland.roland
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit Una domanda stupida su GURPS
tenkaihen 4 6/4/2006 9:56 PM
by LastGunslinger
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit [Generale] GURPS, tutte le news! (pages:1 2 3 4 5 last )
LutherBLisset 133 6/4/2006 9:54 PM
by LastGunslinger
Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit GURPS Deadlands
LastGunslinger 4 6/4/2006 9:47 PM
by LastGunslinger
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