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  Sets icon referred to a Favourite Thread that contains new posts since last visit
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sgt.essig 46 7,961 4/27/2014 7:29 PM by giorgiosabatini
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PanzerKart 1 2,101 9/14/2007 11:45 AM by Mago67
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Paolo Cariolato 1 1,047 2/3/2020 11:00 PM by Saxsterix
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Mago67 5 4,701 1/25/2017 11:15 AM by olla2314
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Gelo66 8 2,892 5/25/2015 7:34 PM by piergiorgioc
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LuigiMaffei 2 960 11/23/2020 5:20 PM by sebosebi
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PanzerKart 2 1,120 7/29/2020 4:30 PM by Axel65
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Capex 10 1,108 5/3/2020 4:37 PM by quetzalcoatlgl
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Flavio-C 4 535 2/22/2020 10:12 PM by Flavio-C
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Flavio-C 2 583 2/3/2020 12:50 PM by Flavio-C
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LuigiMaffei 11 1,346 10/13/2019 3:41 PM by sebosebi
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Capex 3 789 6/12/2019 11:05 AM by Paolo Cariolato
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Travellinfan 3 1,217 5/14/2019 11:07 PM by Saxsterix
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Saxsterix 4 702 5/6/2019 11:01 PM by Saxsterix
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Francesco Baroncini 4 806 2/11/2019 11:45 PM by CHEF-62
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lexpweller81 6 657 1/30/2019 2:43 PM by lexpweller81
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Saxsterix 2 761 1/10/2019 5:25 PM by Saxsterix
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oxpinguin 3 1,476 1/9/2019 10:33 AM by Travellinfan
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oxpinguin 3 916 4/27/2017 9:09 AM by gwaedin
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Stevenovich 3 1,486 4/4/2017 6:12 PM by Stevenovich
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